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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Replies posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. So some elves are having an emote-off to see whose hair is the prettiest...

  2. So some elves are having an emote-off to see whose hair is the prettiest...

  3. We need the server to be fixed D:


  5. Graveth's song.. i did totally not post this because Taron did.
  6. Graveth's song.. i did totally not post this because Taron did.
  7. So, Graveth is getting married.. lets all hope this goes well.

  8. Graveth takes a deep breath.. "Forever i saw you in my dreams.." he thinks.. "Forever i waited for you.." "All days were like the last, without you in my life.." a tear runs down his chin "But this might be a gift given by the creator.. someone that wont leave me.." He thinks as he turns around and looks at Tear.

  9. snoooowwwww everywhere its too bright it hurts my eyes...

  10. Graveth stands up from his very well needed rest.. he look out the window "Good bye Marves."

  11. *Taron looks out the window with baby Amelia in his arms* "Goodbye Kiara"

  12. *Taron looks out the window with baby Amelia in his arms* "Goodbye Kiara"

  13. Graveth stands up from his very well needed rest.. he look out the window "Good bye Marves."

  14. *Taron looks out the window with baby Amelia in his arms* "Goodbye Kiara"

  15. *Taron looks out the window with baby Amelia in his arms* "Goodbye Kiara"

  16. I'm rather confused as to how Oren came to be in their current racist/I-hate-everyone state. As I recall, they were quite peaceful in Aegis. I see no IC reason why they are now like this.

  17. Flai' awaaaayyyyy.. heyayayayheyayayayheyayayayheyayayayheyayayay~ i said hey, what's going on?

  18. Incase a few of you need to shape up of your fighting style

  19. Don't tell me that the server got hacked again............... .__________.

  20. Don't tell me that the server got hacked again............... .__________.

  21. Don't tell me that the server got hacked again............... .__________.

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