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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Minea

  1. Soooo Ive been away, damages sustained to both parties in the world raid wars?

  2. No VA's in the villain app forums, VAT I salute you!

  3. Sooooo someone pugsied all 22 of the wolvengard horses, goooooood times, gooooood times :L

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bloodnight


      I just deal with it. People are assholes, I mean unless you AFK in a tree, with fraps running /hidden all night long and catch someone, tough luck ;-;

    3. Rhia


      The person responsible has been banned.

    4. Minea


      Bawsssss!^ thanks Rhia.

  4. Can a mod jump online please?

  5. Horse armour?? XD

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew


      European peasant.

    2. Minea


      Typical bloody muricans, trying to change things that don't belong to them. WE INVENTED ENGLISH FOOL! XD

    3. Mining


      Mom, color, armor. Conclusion - muricans don't like u's.

  6. Sooooo I havent asked this in about a week, whats the plan with Horse armour? XD

    1. Neri


      I've asked for it to be added numerous times. Pretty fed up of asking now.

    2. Minea


      True? Ahhh thats ashame, would really heighten RP by allowing us all to differentiate between war horses and common drays :L Never fear! Patience is a virtue haha :L

  7. FM please lock this?

  8. Sooooooo have mods made a recipe for horse armour yet? XD

    1. Mining


      ....every day you ask...when its made, im sure there will be an announcement. Patience young grasshopper

    2. Neri


      Made the recipe a day or two ago it just needs to be added.

    3. Minea


      Hahaha I know I know I apologise mining! And cheers Freya all I needed to know!

  9. Sooooooo have mods made a recipe for horse armour yet? XD

    1. FalconByte


      lawl you ask this every day.

    2. Minea


      Yea... I'm a keen bean m8!

  10. Have the mods decided on a recipe for horse armour?

  11. Have the mods decided on a recipe for horse armour?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aislin
    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      6 iron blocks and some wool.

      6 gold blocks and some wool.

      6 diamond blocks and some wool.

      Done. It's not like it does anything anyway.

    4. Minea


      NO BAEL! Keep the snap shot, thats way to expenisve :L it doesnt even do much so it should be cheap, snap shot Recipe!

  12. So I just woke up, normal restart or has the server been down for a bit?

    1. Heff


      Been down for hours...

    2. Minea


      /facepalm, any particular reasons?

  13. I wish to thank those who thought to put diamond blocks in the mines, I salute your genius thinking.

    1. Demotheus


      3x3 diamond blocks!?!?! or ores? Lol

    2. Minea


      Actual blocks man, 9 diamonds in one block!

  14. Can any mod update on the matter of horse armour? Has a recipe been decided yet?

    1. SparehoeCakes
    2. Minea


      Cheerio! We need dem armas

  15. Frickin breaking a diamond block with a stone pick axe, best bloody derp of my life :L

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
    2. Minea


      Dude I accept that big time, any insults aren't hard enough :L

  16. Looking to donate guys? Have VIP things been sorted out at all? Like the new system? Are we able to donate now?

  17. C-c-c-c-c-coords for the diamond mine! I dont wanna go to all the different locations XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorious


      Multiple entrances. One mine. One hero.

    3. Casey7070707


      Next to meta-village!

    4. Minea
  18. Can one craft armour for horses??

  19. Hey whats the process for lore in the normal lore forum? Does a loremaster just review it like the VA's?

    1. JCQuiinn


      Lore is discussed between all the lore masters before being accepted or denied.

    2. Minea


      Ahhh cheers, thanks man.

    3. JCQuiinn


      Oh, and they vote on it too, or post recommendations. Or, if it's really a screwbally idea, they throw it out.

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