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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. why is prince dante just dante now and anyways cant you read his profile for the question

  2. Why isn't there as many people on LotC anymore? Is it starting to come to its downfall?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lago


      Everyone's in EST. Even the GMT people. It would take an OOC drive to shift GMT players back into GMT.

    3. MrSyth


      As Lago said, most people either /are/ EST or have adapted to it.

    4. Kaiser


      Even so, people have exams now.

  3. Why was he trying to kick me out?

  4. Would this be the stephensj I have rped with before? Cuz I dunno lots of peeps out there have the profile name stephensj.


  6. Yay im accepted tooo

  7. Yay, thank you so much for excepting me! *Gives Rom a hug*

  8. Yeah dont know why its 11 :P

  9. You called yourself a carcker XD

  10. You can make up whatever clothes you want :p

  11. You friend of Victor, dat good, me like Victor too.

  12. You know your too emotionally attached to this game when you do forum rping with Charoodler (Draken) and every line is beautiful but then he says something so sweet your literally bawling tears of joy. :')

    1. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      Gonna have to take a break from it tonight, cuz its late anyways but we can continue tomorrow. Lol :P

    2. V0idsoldier


      Some role players try their hardest to seperate them from their characters. Create a barrier. Others rpers are more passionate and embrace everything. You seem to fall into the latter. It's not a bad thing ^.^

    3. monkeypoacher


      Aww... Those feels.

  13. You pedophile! Lol Jk jk

  14. You said on Jesus's profile these words, "I don't believe in you!"

  15. You said you were breaking up last time i checked

  16. You wanted your character to be adopted right, well I could adopt him but you'd only have a mom then, sorry. :(

  17. You're creepy o.O

  18. your a GM could you please implement it?

  19. Your app is DENIED!!!!!

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