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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. Damn it my iPad is automatically doubleposting -_-

  2. Danny I really need your help, I need to you to please look at this if you could, I would really appreciate it. Here's the link


  3. Dante do you think I should kill off my character and make it a little kid?

  4. Dante I tried to tell you there was trespassers at your house but you didnt listen they cursed at me and threatened to kill me.

  5. Dante I tried to tell you there was trespassers at your house but you didnt listen they cursed at me and threatened to kill me.

  6. Dante if you could you reply tonight if you get the chance

  7. darion you answerme then

  8. Do I have to do anything to get implemented?

  9. Does anyone know how long it takes for you to get unbanned for your first ban?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kaiser


      bean appeals may not be read, but ban appeals may be

    3. Redbaron™
    4. Skippy


      falkor there was only one spelling mistake.

  10. Doyou get a temp ban for leaving in the middle of an attack, like i had already gone over my tome on the computer and my mom made me shut it down in the middle of the attack.

  11. Dunno yet I'll give you the time when I figure one out. K?

  12. Esmeralda why didn't you put anything in your app ?

  13. Everyone check out my awesome gif for my avatar please! :D

  14. fine can you answer me then?

  15. fine can you answer me then?

  16. Gender: Female (Obviosly :P)

    Race: Human

    Skin Color: Paler than normal

    Eye Color: It's kind of up to you, I was thinking either deep red or two different colors.

    Hair Color and Style: Pale Blonde with a dark red streak in the bangs, and style, the same as Cruz's hair was.

    Clothing: This was a tough decision for me, I could NOT, figure out anything except just ma...

  17. Got a question can you get someone to apply as a ghost of one of your characters ancestors? Sorry I just have a creative mind. :P

  18. Got an epic signature now :3

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. FlareGunCalamity



      Im 14! You should replace "lamb" with Bow!!!

  19. Guys, someone please unban me!!!! My little 5 year old brother got on to multiplayer and started pressing random letters, I'm really really sorry! D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MrSyth


      Here we go again with the responsibility-cases. I'm afraid that unban is gonna be tough.

    3. ski_king3


      If all she did was type random letters into chat, I'm a bit surprised she got fully banned in the first place.

    4. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Violet was banned? What?

  20. Happy Turkey Day everyone!!! Gobble gobble :D I love you guys!

  21. Have you guys forgotten about me? ;-; Please say you haven't! Remember Violet Frost, my dark elf character (My only one) a really sweet soul, who was usually tormented by others?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wode


      snickle! i think o.o

    3. monkeypoacher


      Gawd darnit my computer apparently has a thing for doubleposting

    4. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      Hey Wode :D

      and hey Char :3

  22. Hello random person i decided to talk to cuz I'm bored. :D

  23. Hello random stranger in which I do not know, it is ever so nice to meet you, see I barely know you and... *starts to echo I already like you... already like you.... already like you....

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