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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. I tried that and I guess its because my laptops messed up so it didnt work but thank you anyways for helping.

  2. I want to be with you foreva i luv you. can we be together forever creepy uncle? lol

  3. I was looking around at guilds and found yours. Can I join The Wanderers?

  4. I will now be your personal stalker FOR EVER!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!

  5. I'd really hate to bother you because I know you have a life other then LotC (Unlike me :P) but this should be my last skin request for a while so here goes. I was offered to rp as Queen of a royal family of psychos that try to take over Oren. My character would obviously be evil yet insane so hears the imformation I have so far.

  6. I'll have you no i do not own those bats the bats are your grandmother's. Probably because she is one!

  7. I'm banned because of my little bro because i let him play on minecraft

  8. I'm gonna kill my character off and make new character thats a kid, if you need another daughter just ask me.

  9. I'm just a happy little llama with all this completly epically amazing forum Rp that has flooded in on me. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stephensj


      No forum RP for me? D:

    3. FlareGunCalamity


      Read the ooc msg plox

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      I need Gwynneth's skin.

      NAO PLEEZ?

  10. I'm sexy and I know it!

  11. I'm trying to pm you but it always has an error the error is array.

  12. If anyone wants to be my daughter, please comment below and I'll give you more details!

  13. If I ever get back on the server should this be Violet's next child? :) Made the skin myself too, so please comment back on how good or bad it is. a>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      Aww thank you :)

    3. cmack1028


      The skin looks great!

    4. Bethykinss


      I think the skin you made is really good, you put shade and effort into it. Well done! :)

  14. If so I'm Initiate Vivien.

  15. im just wondering why did your name say dante instead of prince dante arent you still a prince? please reply back soon

  16. Indeed he is racist

  17. Is cactus green supposed to be like marijuana in rp?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jarkarll


      Yes it is, Mr. Sythaerin. It was made by the orcs a very long time ago.

    3. Bawg


      Mr. Sythaerin doesn't know about the Orcish Drug Cartels!

    4. craotor


      Mr. Sythaerin yes it is a drug.Its not like weed but somenthing stronger

  18. is dante on right now?

  19. Is the server still down cuz I can't get on

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldd


      *shurgs* No one knows, just hoping its not down Wed..

    3. Knuk


      Got accepted today, I can't wait to play haha

    4. The Victor Blair Project

      The Victor Blair Project

      I hope to see you when the server gets up Knuk!

  20. Isn't Olivia so adorable? a>

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arial Meadowbloom
    3. monkeypoacher


      *cue Simon of the Yogscast's 'awwww' noise*

    4. monkeypoacher


      wait, didn't Olivia die?


  21. Isn't Olivia so adorable?


  22. It's ok, don't worry I had to do my app like 5 times before it was accepted, :P , but the point is, is that I never gave up, and in the end it's totally worth it. :D

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