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Status Replies posted by Pum!

  1. Simplify: p[to the power of a 1/2](p + (2/p)). Dis homework.

  2. Hmm... what sort of lore needs to be written...

  3. Hmm... what sort of lore needs to be written...

  4. Trying to concentrate on drawing while my roommate is drunk and shouting curses at the TV by himself... -_-

  5. annnnnnnd my updated VA is done :)

  6. Interesting how people are reacting to Pumpkiness. They seem to be more eager to relate to her than with Pumpkineer.

  7. Though you may break my heart, though you may shatter my dreams, though you may take everything I ever loved and burn it to ashes, I will stay strong. None of your words can hurt me, nor when you humiliate me, I will never give up, I will never back down, I will stay strong. -Hannah Mae Crawford (a.k.a. Violet Blair)

  8. Love is in the air!

  9. My characters name taken by a Wandering Soul... http://cukinet.hu/img/posts/posts_339.jpg

  10. If you could choose an LOTC member to use in a pokemon battle, who would you choose?

  11. Tehlulu is part of the Family of Heroes.

  12. Alright, if I'm stuck in a house, with no way to kill myself or escape, and I didn't set my soulstone, what do I do? D:

  13. It's weird to think that The Hobbit Part 1 will be out in nearly a month... You guys excited?

  14. 200 rep, whoop-dee-doo! :p

  15. Lol... People either hate or love the Ulfhaedyns. Word.

  16. Hmm, I think my character may be starting a market soon.

  17. Today I learned: Terry Klassen, the guy who voiced Elecman and Cutman in Rubyspears' Megaman cartoon, also voiced characters in 'Ed, Edd n Eddy', 'Johnny Test' and 'My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic'.

  18. If you could add any race from any video game to LoTC, what race would it be? I would almost surely add the Salarians from Mass Effect.

  19. I need a new character; any suggestions?

  20. Happy Birthday Me!

  21. Quick question, which of these two are greater? Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead?

  22. N-nobody wished me a happy birthday when it was m-mine...

  23. Woot, MPM is updated.

  24. I feel... discouraged., I guess? Lost is a better word for it.

  25. Gone are the days where I would write things and submit them, looking for feedback :L I need to start doing that again.

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