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Status Replies posted by Pum!

  1. It'll be my 1 year LOTCaversary in 22 days. Huzzah!

  2. WAIT. Should the Bmonts/Rose team be called "Rosemonts" or "Black Roses?" Such a choice.

  3. Lost the game.

  4. 362 days ago... oh my lanta.

  5. 362 days ago... oh my lanta.

  6. Made my first whitelist application! Wish me luck :)

  7. Nordlord just made me lose The Game.

  8. I can reapply in les than 40 minutes 0.0 Anyone want to read my application and give me advice before I post it?

  9. Can anyone spare a few minutes to help me make a skin? I need one for my application :S

  10. So many new Halflings :D

  11. Well, it seems I'll be playing Bili for good now, and I updated my profile accordingly. Halflings, the good times will not end!

  12. I got this.. i think ill get accepted this time.. i think this app was the best ive ever written,

  13. 'AssassinOfTheBlade' sweat mother of god...

  14. Name one or two games that you have played the longest (in hours)

  15. Nose bleed... I HATE NOSEBLEEDS! * Clutches towels against face*

  16. Ravens or 49'ers ?

  17. *gasp* I see sounds. :O

  18. Woohoo! Just got accepted!

  19. Cocacola or Pepsi?

  20. I might make a Halfling. I've read almost all of the LOTR books except the Return of the King.

  21. Man, I wish it was required to read all Lord of the Rings books and The Hobbit before you became a Halfling. :P

  22. No more lit green tag for Lykos. Thanks for destroying my PC, father's girlfriend.

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