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Status Replies posted by ARCHITECUS

  1. I need all of the sad and depressing Legend of Zelda images you can MUSTER! But not this one http://imgur.com/gallery/DYQSwYN I already have it.

  2. For all this swearing, personally I blame the rap music

  3. Is there still a "No graphical violence" rule? I've been through the server rules but it doesn't seem to be there... Not sure I ever understood the limitations of what is 'graphic' and what isn't :/

  4. I'm not sure what to do now...Hrm...

  5. Is there any RP that isn't totally impenetrable to returning players?

  6. So my villain has 3 strengths and 6 weaknesses. You think I'm overdoing this?

  7. All those that got a skype pm from me, DO NOT DL THE FILE

  8. Why do people like to shiftclick you without bothering to RP?

  9. Do real world accents exist in Lord of the Craft? Are there or variants to them?

  10. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who were the three children of Pampo and Dawn Perea, from oldest to youngest?

  11. Horses has been confirmed to be in 1.6, no more invisible mounting men and better fast travel xD

  12. So Stag you think he's adding blonde girls eh? Or do you not believe the picture he posted.

  13. lol, people thinking its a horse... it is clearly a female player :D

  14. Horses better be expensive as **** in Lotc.

  15. Let's hear one similarity between you and your character, then one DIFFERENCE between you, and your character's best friend.

  16. .......I suddenly have the urge to create a character that goes around tricking Nobles into giving the character a lot of Minas and then vanishing into the night. Heres the twist: It is a crossdressing male who tricks them into giving him Minas. I find that would be an amzingly hilarious thing to roleplay. What say everyone else?

  17. These April Fools leaving posts are getting old. I find them stupid. -_-

  18. Panda is drunk but she can tell that she is notouriously sly with the back hands slaps. AND THE DRAWINGS.

  19. I feel old. I was wearing a minecraft periodic table t-shirt last week, and some kids at the pub go all like "OMG YOU PLAY MINECRAFT?", and I'm like "Dude, I play minecraft since before it was called 'Classic'."

  20. Machen Sie ein kleiner Schritt für einen Menschen und einen anderen für Deutschland!

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