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Everything posted by cruzazul

  1. I like it. Not overly hyped and just a simple, rp senseful post. I really would like this!
  2. Bleh back to the states.

  3. For anyone that cares I will not be in game for about 5 days. I am going to Italy and having my computer worked on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Telanir


      Ooh, have fun.

    3. hypercrit


      Baiii Duchessss :P

    4. aron.


      I care~ Have a great trip. When you get back, you can give me a hand with some of these builds ^.^

  4. ((I will be making an updated thread of House Valois, complete with culture and other important things that would be good to know if you were interested in joining House Valois' workforce and/or the Auvergnian people. Here is a link to the cultures of Oren, the Auvergnian one is on the second page. LINK!))
  5. I am also very excited. Hopefully I am able to build well enough to please the team and player base.

  6. MC name: Cruzazul8 Alternate accounts: Nope Will you write a VA for 2a, 2b, 4a and 5, as well as a Magic application for Air evocation, Fire evocation and Necromancy(I'l explain this more in detail). (If you are denied more than twice on each, you will be removed and another will be choosen to play in your place, you may not play your Sunetejibar until these two apps are accepted.): I have been accepted for MAs and VAs before, I have no problem doing this. I have a character accepted for water evocation and I have had many characters get VAs before. This would not be a problem at all as I truly enjoy writing applications. Have you read and understood all the lore? (You will be quizzed): I have read through it thoroughly many times by now. Skype Name: You have it :D Are you able to conduct yourself maturely at all times upon the server and on the forums?: Of course. I have lost a majority of my villain rp battles to make it entertaining for the other person.
  7. Seems like 90% of men have 8 packs on this server. Something that bugs me more than I would want it to. Thank you so much for making this!
  8. This is a very very extensive and well thought out guide. Hopefully this attracts more people to the elven race as it would be very beneficial to us if we had more players. Great guide man, keep it up!
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