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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Pinochet

  1. how the **** do i create a shop

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CTap


      shhh its okay no tears only dreams now

    3. Dreek
    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      ctap news this highly intelligent brony is far more euphoric and enlightened than u i suggest u back down before he has to use logic against your silly religion -.-

  2. how the **** do i set a gif as a pic, it wont work

  3. i cant connect to the server

  4. i dont rly like this update

  5. i need some character art help

  6. I need to buy a good horse from someone, anyone selling them?

  7. i need to buy a horse, i lost my other one.

    1. Pinochet


      contact nickofwar if u have one for sale

  8. i need to find the cat nation

    1. cj_scout


      no, the cat nation finds you 


  9. i sense riots incoming

  10. I was banned, at the spawn. trying to get out of the orgy, only to be banned for the reason of 200 nice

  11. I'm still waiting for my appeal to be lifted..

  12. if you want to be cool, join the orcs

  13. im ******* bored, shreck bless me with your dank memes

  14. im tired of buying new ******* horses

  15. just rapped the whole jOhN'rAgUk theme in blah

  16. just rapped the whole jOhN'rAgUk theme in blah

  17. just rapped the whole jOhN'rAgUk theme in blah

    1. Taylor


      can confirm

  18. look at my new backround?!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kim
    3. GodEmperorFlam
    4. Pinochet


      oh no i got 2 warning pointS!!!!

      :(((( what a shame

  19. Looking for someone that can do decent skins, anyone?

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