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Everything posted by MonkeyCoffee

  1. You up in the kha' chat: you just shot down an idea that could've saved our race. If you want to see the Kharajyr die, fine. But I will do everything that I can to keep them alive, even if it is in ways you don't want. /endrant.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lago


      Why don't you just do it? Leave the Kha that don't want to come behind.

    3. Volutional


      The idea was good. Just not the Vol that suggested it.

      Eeeeeeeeh well.

    4. Ever


      Come to the troooooooooooog

  2. I think this day was succesful for the Kharajyr. Had lots of RP on the island!

    1. Ever


      Come live with the Orcsssssssssss

    2. ShadowoKing


      Ever, we are considering that.

  3. Saikaunaah sends a letter to Valawn, simply stating "Accepted."
  4. Saikaunaah grunted as she came back on the island, carrying a body on her back. A Dark Elf, white hair and green eyes. The first catch. A c'myja, or as the Apes call it, slave. It was the first of many she believed, and perhaps it will be. She did it on her own as well. Imagine what she could do with more than just herself! For now however, it was just a single Elf, locked up in a cage. How is she going to sell it?
  5. Where are most people RPing? Abresi? Luminaire? The Trog?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Hmm. Well, I'd like to create some Kha' events. Soooooooo.

    3. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Like that time you tried shooting me with a blooming crossbow... just because I was protecting everyone from invisible wolves...

    4. MonkeyCoffee
  6. Woopwoop. Gonna be closed at the end of the day, so voice all of your opinions! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/96519-feedback-kharajyr/#entry872301

  7. Donate your loval peasant to the Red Chains fund. We will help many donkeys who are not getting enough television.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hex37


      Be sure to break your slaves good and proper before selling them!

    3. hex37


      Heck, you should start a service where you're sent slaves for breaking and return them to their new owners good and broke. Can that be a thing? It should be a thing.

    4. MonkeyCoffee


      Need people to join though. >:C

  8. Phase 1 of Kharajyr Advanced Roleplay Cheese Parrot Cow has begun.

  9. Current roster: Captain(s): Sa'Saikaunaah Therkul Keeper(s): Thurak Slaver(s): Ja'Sahra Do'Valawn Gronkk [Fatso]
  10. A note is pinned up at the tavern 'Metztli's Blessing' on the island of Karakatua. Saikaunaah has her head tilted at it, biting her bottom lip "Yus. Thees ees guud." she smiled before jolting off, being very happy that Ko'Vhaan allowed her to take over the company, allowing her to bring the Empire back to its former glory. But now she has to wait for any willing Kharajyr to join. [#1337paint.netskillz] [Thanks to Benboboy for basically making most of the thread. #DidNotCopyFromBenbo'sOldThread] A similar note is hung up in Gronkkston. Below both notes sits another note, reading: [iC] Name: [iC] Age: [iC] Subrace ((If applicable)): [iC] Position (Keeper or slaver): [OOC] MC name: [OOC] Evils ((IOnly required if accepted. Otheriwse leave blank. If applying for slaver, 2c is needed atleast)): [OOC] Timezone: [OOC] Skype:
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