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Everything posted by Merkaken

  1. Obesse pikachu is still cute.

  2. Just changed my avatar and photo. Love them.

  3. I feel like a bad person for it, but I enjoy looking at denied applications for the server .-.

  4. Anyone else play WoW?

    1. Urahra


      I used to. Horde ftw!

    2. MrSyth
  5. Is the server down?

    1. ski_king3


      It would appear that way

  6. Word of the day: Snagalicious.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      tomorrows: Awesomazing

  7. Hrmm... Not sure if I want to play WoW or LotC when I get home...

    1. Lago


      Orcs without Austin aren't orcs.

  8. Loved the RP of getting my name. Orcs rock

  9. Not sure if I want to play lotc when I get home or WoW...

  10. I am. The child orc version of Achillies. Kneel before me, whelps.

  11. I missed you guys :D Gonna go on and play for a bit.... If the server is up that is. If not I made a skin for nothing >:|

  12. I feel like playing LotC When I get home if it's on... Are red Orcs allowed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Merkaken
    3. lemontide331
    4. DecoLamb


      There are lots of red orcs, though none will ever be as funny as Broxigar.

  13. Miss you guys :_

  14. Meh... I feel depressed...

    1. Tayelikel


      =/ Whats wrong? the obvious?

    2. Merkaken
  15. Dad! y u no get new internet like you say every five minutes for the last 2 months?!

  16. Finally got on hold with Blizz... 'bout time.

  17. I would give someone a serious hug if they could write lore on adding a Herobrine-like character to the server.

    1. Tayelikel


      As long as creepers dont return im good :D lol

  18. ADD medication... A vital tool for writing lore.... Be sure to actually take it if you have ADD or else you're screwed <_>

  19. I woke up today. Excited for school. Walked down the stairs. Sprained my ankle. I hate life -.-

    1. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      I broke my toe today, cant do anything about it though cause its one of the small ones :/

    2. Astraeus


      That's unfortunate, hope it heals soon.

  20. A word from the wise... Don't use a fake name when signing up for a MMO <_ it screw you over.>

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      It really does... I have lost accounts from that!

  21. Dear Blizzard: Your games are great... Your customer service freaking sucks...

  22. .... So... I'm looking up images in my Multimedia class for working with photoshop... and of course some inappropriate (To put it lightly) pictures pop up... Like, seriously bad... Right when my teacher walks by.... Well crap..

    1. Merkaken


      Bare in mind, the images I was looking for was "Arthas Fan Art"

    2. Ryn Chirr

      Ryn Chirr

      That's a paddlin'

  23. *sighs* Today kinda sucks for me... I got yelled at, I can't talk to my friend I have been missing a lot, and my head hurts like hell... On the upside, I found all the WoW X-packs so hopefully I can play WoW again...

  24. Spent 4 hours making my skin perfect (In my eyes) server's still down. mkay.

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