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Everything posted by Merkaken

  1. I'm excited. Starting fireworks in Multimedia today. (Not actual fireworks, mind you ;p)

    1. MetaSolaray


      Aww....now why would you be happy to NOT get to use real fireworks D:!

  2. #imnotsurewhatthisissupposedtomean2012

  3. Might go to Anime Club today at my school. Might be fun.

    1. nppeck


      Your school has an anime club?

    2. Merkaken


      Yessum. I wasn't able to go last year,though, cuzI had no ride. But I might join:)

  4. Gonna go play Dead Island. My gamertag is Tank Man4417 if you wanna play :D

    1. MetaSolaray


      Are you starting a new character ;O?

  5. Pro tip for playing MineZ: Never tell people where you are and tell them you are willing to trade valuable things for their items...

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      I tell people where I am. But where I am also tends to be a few blocks away from the sniping location I moved to after saying where I was.

    2. Parading


      How many people have I killed on MineZ?Seven....Seven thousand.

    3. Parading
  6. Quite the regailing tale, old chap.

  7. This is what Turr would look like if she was a girl. But it's still his theme song :P
  8. I don't always write lore. But when I do, I take much longer than I need to and get distracted easily.

  9. Can't re-install WoW cuz I can't find all the expansions.... Joy...

  10. Hm. Time for some more lore writing.

  11. Sadly, this wizard will not be arriving precisely when he means to. I love you Volutional

  12. I have shortened hours except for one hour... which is 2 times as long today... And of course it has to be my least favorite class with all the morons, potheads, and d-bags in it. I may just hang myself -.-

  13. Woke up this morning and sat in my car, feeling like I forgot something. Then I realized what it was. My pants. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      da fuq did I jus' reed.

    3. Rilath


      *Totes wasn't the one to steal his pants.*

    4. TheRealKiru


      Like a true man.

  14. *sighs* Stuck in a rut again =/ Can't figure out how to put together my final version of my lore... Damn...

  15. Nothing quite like being anxious for no apparent reason <_>

    1. Tayelikel


      Everything ok hun?

    2. Merkaken


      I did say for no reason so idk.

  16. Maybe I should work on my lore during lunch...

  17. Meh... I dun wanna go to school.... Someone kidnap me!

  18. When I get to school I guarentee you i'll find something amazing to put into my lore, and but can't stop studying because if I do i'll get an F, and I guarentee you that once I get home i'll forget it completely <_>

  19. LotC. I have seen the top of the Dwarven mountain top. And it is good.

    1. danic


      I used to have a camp up there. Designing Flight travel.

  20. That crappy moment when you can't think of anything to write...

  21. My skype name is Tankertaker4412 and my email is [email protected] if anyone wants to add me.

  22. ... Nothing quite like taking a drink of water and coughing it back up because there was a fly in there... Delicious...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. Aceeri


      You know that guy that was licking the floor after you coughed it up? Well that was me.

    4. Merkaken


      ... You could have said hi.

  23. The day Frosted Flakes stop tasting good is the day I die.

    1. shiftnative


      that's one of my fav's mmmm

  24. Guys. When you write server lore. Be sure to take your anti-A.D.D pills ._.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rilath


      Austin, it has a TON to do with it. Why do you think it takes me months to write lore?

    3. Austin


      I have ADD and I dont write lore at all. so owned

    4. Merkaken


      And as such you wouldn't really understand how it feels <_< So owned.

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