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Free The Hobbits

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Status Updates posted by Free The Hobbits

  1. LOTC went downhill the moment they took the Halfling village tbh

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Oh man, we've jumped around from village to village for all of Axios. Hopefully our halfling race will be more stationary in 6.0 and we won't move the village every 4 months.

  2. Remember there is a community survey out right now!

    1. drfate786


      Your memes are dry.

  3. GM and admin leadership team have lacked leadership and it has shown time and time again, there is no organization and the Halflings could not have experienced it more first handedly than last august dealing with the entire GM team who could not give a straight answer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      If I had to push my program as much as you do I would not be very confident the community is willing to accept it.

    3. Telanir


      So what are you saying?

    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Look Telanir, Мне нравится ты, но ты дурак. Вы слишком формальным и вы не понимаете. You cannot win people's hearts with formal jargon and silly messages like you have been. You must be the change that we want, people will continue to grumble about nexus and this system for months and take some of the criticism to heart. I mean what I told you in the nicest way I can, you truly are a fool to continue being so opaque and arrogant with the situation.

  4. So Pandann, can I release my teamspeak recording now?

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Sweet, I personally want to see centralized cities and an increase of staff-player communications. 

  5. What happened to that scene kid?

    1. Space


      He left cause of the **** he was getting from the community

  6. Going on over a year with Halfling buff @Why.

  7. Remember to fill out the survey

    1. Reno


      Cant wait to see the results

    2. Free The Hobbits
    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Won't be disappointed!

  8. Can you spell Halfling Buff

  9. It is wednesday my dudes

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      snape kills dumbledore

  10. Darth Vader is Luke

  11. It has been cleared up, I apologize for jumping to a misleading conclusion

  12. Who is Ben Quadinaros?

    1. Moochael


      A star wars character who died in the beginning of "The Phantom Menace"... Due to a speeder crash

  13. getting a bit salty about status updates being cut off with punctuation.

  14. Will you still love me when I

    1. Angmarzku


      When you rest in olog stomachs? 

  15. Im running out of inspiration for my story

    1. sneLf


      Whats the story about?

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