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Free The Hobbits

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Status Updates posted by Free The Hobbits

  1. Mitt will you go to prom with me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mitto


      apologies but my travel restriction is the mainland of Britain

    3. Heff


      mitts a ****

    4. mitto


      **** off heff

  2. Just bought gtaV, it will finish downloading some day!!

  3. Do people still use the teamspeak?

    1. Space


      I went on it one day and it was Evark playing some German disco music so.......

  4. Why did my status get deleted??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      I have a really big urge to message you a lot of spoilers, in case you haven't read the books.

    3. Ragadorus
    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Send me spoilers, I dare you

  5. Knox added like half of LoTC to the Halfling Chat, sorry!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu


      i met some guy named Patrick and he's my friend now

    3. Ark


      thats what that was?

    4. lawnmowerman


      Knox213 was the plague of Kralta.

  6. We've heard from an expert. It's lag guys

    1. Netphreak


      Oh yes, the common and good Ol' lag excuse... :) Works everytime, *goes Xraying, gets banned, blames lag.*

  7. Tythus is ******* loaded in tf2

    1. Stevie


      "Thank you for donating to Lord of the Craft."

  8. Can a GM unban my account? I changed the name

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bircalin


      um sky he asked for a gm sorry u dont have permissiont od o that

    3. Free The Hobbits
    4. Aislin
  9. Toxic meme'ing intensifies

  10. The GM team decides bans based on a strawpoll...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. FORƎST


      I think club penguin card jitsu would be better....

    3. Nug
    4. Dreek


      i was banned from club penguin, i guess i cant be a gm

  11. Heff has been bullying me since I was 10 3/4

  12. Heff has been trolling me for a week now

  13. Can anyone teach me about CSGO betting?

    1. StevenQuick


      You bet. In CSGO.

  14. Busted out of prison, I'm back

    1. Galendar


      Don't forget who you left behind.


    2. ShameJax


      Breaking out of prison is a reason to be put back in! Galendar looks like you'll have a friend with ya!

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Shoutout to Galendar, the guy I left behind

  15. GM is reading Galendar's appeal. #hype

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fireheart


      There should be a server lag factor added into whenever hacking is considered on a player :P

    3. Galendar


      This server isn't built for anything but roll combat because you'll get banned for almost anything!

    4. Galendar


      Almost anything else*

  16. Guys wait, server was just down for the first time in a while, Liri just joined the server again.

    1. Silent™


      Coincidence? I think not! #blameLiri

    2. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      I guess you could say we should be "liri" about it. hehehe...he...Ok I'll be going now.

  17. Good thing we banned that kid, make sure his friends know not to joke around

  18. Ryan Heff has 8 warning points.

  19. The Jew has returned!!!

  20. What does that even mean Telanir. Im just assuming it's never coming at this point

    1. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      There, there, Dovahkiin... it'll... it'll.... *sniffle* It'll come soon

    2. Lima


      Everything is being updated to 1.8 first, all the particle effects got changed in 1.8 in their coding or something...

      So the magic plugin needs to be re-worked for the new update. So they are better off doing the new update.

  21. Please no brewery plugin, just give us the magic plugin we were promised 2 years ago that you have all been working on dearly

    1. ~ Fiend ~
    2. Everman111
    3. Booklight12


      I'm not even kidding, i'd rather have brewery plugin first, cause it'd take less time, though aparently MAgic plugin is 2nd most important thing techies are working on just under 1.8.. So.. Who knows!

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