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Everything posted by EboBren'

  1. Is there accepted lore for tripwires?

    1. Religious_Pie


      There doesn't really need to be lore for them...it's just wire breaking.

    2. EboBren'


      Oh, alright, I thought it was more complicated.

    3. AllenTheGreat


      It's basically two levers connected with string, if someone goes over it pull the levers. :P

  2. Would anyone be interested in helping me with my lore/event idea Ruins of Monrae? It wouldn't be now, but if you want to help at some point PM me.

    1. EboBren'


      Well, I'm going to bed, I'll check 'em later.

  3. Would people like to see an extinct nation with many ruins to explore, or did I just write all of that for nothing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EboBren'


      ^It is humans, I have several pages of lore for 'em, but a short version is they are anarchists that separated from Oren.

    3. Drelik


      Do it man DO IT, just don't get mad if i bring my boys and do some artifact robbing

    4. EboBren'


      That's what I'm hoping for, it seems we ran out of dungeons in need of looting :)

  4. I want to start by saying that this lore looks great and I feel as though it will bring a lot of RP to the Kha. Now I do have several things I wish to ask about the Gy'waka's lifestyle. First, you said that if anything, even another of it's species, gets between a Gy'waka and it's young, that it would attack it. This leads me to believe that the birds live more so solitarily then in packs, but then you also speak of them eating the elder birds, but that points towards more of a group style of life. So in the wild, do they live in herds, small familys or alone? Second, will the animals be breed by the Kha? It is common that animals are breed to perfection by their maseters, but perhaps the Kha honor the Gy'waka to much, or have some other reason they can not? It would open a lot of RP if they had breeders. Lastly, how rare would they be? You said that they live on the island because they had plenty of food to sustain them and no predators, so are they possibly overpopulated? I know I'm bring a lot of real life stuff into LotC, so if you want to brush off some questions that's fine. :)
  5. Congrats on being accepted!

  6. It's nine o'clock on a Saturday, regular crowd shuffles in.... I have been listening to that song for the whole day...

    1. Chaqery


      And what a fantastic song it is.

    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      It's 9 in the afternoon~

    3. nppeck


      Sing us a song tonight

  7. I'm at Heibe's Coronation and all the guards are screaming at evryone to be quiet, but they are the only ones talking...

  8. No problem, and if you need anything just ask! I do have an elf as well, so if you have any questions about their lore I should have the answer.

  9. Congrats on being accepted, welcome to the server!

  10. Your username is Rin. Katawa reference?

  11. My eyes burn from researching on lore I'm trying to expand on....

  12. I was thinking of writing up more lore on Ender Pearls. Now would people like to see that or would everyone hate me for it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EboBren'
    3. danic


      Enderpearls be Genderpearls.

    4. Goldd


      *hugs back with his wizardly robes.*

      *singes his eyebrows with fire*


      Couldn't resist.

  13. Severs still down? *Hops on Pidgey and flies to PokeMMO*

  14. What was the code to get on the TS thing? I tried one that was on an old forum post, but it didn't work.

  15. Hmmm... I was going to make a one year post, but then I realized I missed it by like two months.

  16. #Getsnohappybdaymessages

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jakesimonson


      Happy Birthday :p

    3. EboBren'


      Thanks! (and in case you didn't realize this yet, I play Kara *wink)

    4. Secret Lizard President
    1. EboBren'


      And I didn't delete what's on your mind part.

  17. I'm the only one on the server

  18. I love your trivia question of the day, I hope you keep it going.

  19. Wasn't there a separate app for alt char's? If so I can not seem to find it...

    1. EboBren'


      Oh, alright, thank you.

  20. I was going to make a dwarf women alt... But I'm afraid the second I do I will be hit on by every dwarf...

    1. danic


      Being flocked by men? Sounds nice to me ;) Wait... Huh? They're all hairy, drunken Midgets? Erm... No thanks.

    2. Raptorious


      Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy sexxy lady!

    3. Tsuyose
  21. I just ordered the first five editions of History of Middle Earth, any opinions on the books?

    1. Jexdane


      I can only make an opinion if you mail those books to me so that I can read them and never send them back. Sorry.

  22. Congrats on being accepted! (And on your first try!)

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