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Status Replies posted by xenenxnennxnx

  1. Why do we need to know why the server is down? If it goes down without warning or being a "Scheduled Maintenance" period of time then obviously something is wrong. So duh, just wait, do something else. They don't have to tell you WHY its down. All you need to know is that IT IS down. So chill out.

  2. Roses are grey. Violets are grey. I am a dog.

  3. What is love?

  4. Ever since the dawn of PVP being the default way, I've never PVPed once.

  5. Cat licks plate where I had cheese. I go get cat cheese. Cat doesn't want cheese. I don't understand cats.

  6. It's world fart day tomorrow. Who's taking part?

  7. I'm mostly likely going to be leaving LoTC for a while. I've suddenly had some insults delivered OOC, and I'm not going to talk about it to avoid being hated more. Thanks, Techy

  8. I'm a dirty troll.

  9. Can't get on today, guys. Apologies to all those making modreqs!

  10. Three hours of swim practice. High intensity. Right after make a beeline towards crossfit... After that an hours worth of homework in every class.... Is this week over yet?

  11. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What is the common link between Halflings, Nomads and Shamans?

  12. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What is the common link between Halflings, Nomads and Shamans?

  13. Yes! I will come back to lotc :) I'm not going to let mean people keep me away. Who cares what they think of me?

  14. How the hell do I get outta mine worlds, I'm so lost haha

  15. I have a golem for my boyfriend now.

  16. What is up with the server >.>

  17. So what have I missed in the last month or so?

  18. Giving away three random games from the newest humblebundle. Post below if you're interested and I'll choose the winners in a bit.

  19. Hey guys, I'm opening an RP shop in Abresi, but I haven't decided what kind of business to have! Any ideas that would fun/cool. (I have already done a bookstore/library and a greenhouse)

  20. Hey guys, I'm opening an RP shop in Abresi, but I haven't decided what kind of business to have! Any ideas that would fun/cool. (I have already done a bookstore/library and a greenhouse)

  21. Can my forum account be unbanned please? I've been unbanned in game for awhile

  22. Why does it say I'm not whitelisted on the server?

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