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Status Updates posted by Shadeleaf

  1. Panda, you relly had to try to kill rina on your birthday...

  2. Happy.Birthday.Panda.{smiley.face}.

  3. *walks by the Fjarriauga tower, emotes hearing a small whisper and then walks off like a good little Mali'ker...

  4. Ahhhhh! its to sad! Arzota is crying!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. Shadeleaf


      Sen killed herself with my help... it was to much for her little body :(

    4. Shadeleaf


      the curse ^ not the other thing you perverted people that I only accuse of because I thought of something worse...

  5. Stay out of this Meta! dont do this to me again!

    1. MetaSolaray


      Does everything META TO THE RESCUE!

  6. damn, sen is crying at cloud temple, Arzota to the rescue I suppose, the only caring one around (sighs)

  7. Grrr, I know this is going to hurt, alot, but! Time to write a Va for Sarien

    1. ski_king3


      I've found that if it starts getting painful, and you haven't done much, you've started to be redundant and are probably writing a bit too much.

  8. Preemptivey starting on a magic app that may or may not be needed in the near future, then a Va, then a little smily face to go at the end...

    1. Aengoth


      Is ready to provide support

  9. I scare my self how fast I type...

  10. soooooo, I started by getting kidnapped by Spam, fine there, then she gets chopped down, when Im afk, the others escape, now im healing her, *raises hand* I once did this with knox I think...

    1. Lym


      Spam is male.

    2. Shadeleaf


      not on this character bro!

    3. Kaiser


      we're not sure what gender spam is, exactly

  11. BRahahah! I hate when things from game carry over to irl, now im slightly ticked off Vi got Attuned (good job :P), Get out of my mind Arzota! I need to work!

  12. I feel loved Sckolar, I really do...

  13. laides, gentlemen, undead, accended, Gm's, what ever Zilldude is, I present to you the only fool proff way of getting off for the night *falls the the ground unconcious, a large axe wound in his/her back*

  14. so, I thought I would be able to rp rightnow. but no, I have to make 2 dress up skins :D

  15. I prepose that whatever Hightowers that can get on tonight throw a party for Salvus, preferably with masks! Lets make things happen Royals!

  16. ahh nothing better then a blood nose and a down server, I feel like what ever killed it, kicked me in the face, (and yes, I hit my face on the door trying to walk out) ((Not blond, white hair, I promise))

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I did that too. As I was turning my nose hit the Edge of the door. Not fun.

  17. Disco -Pogo!

    1. Lym


      Atzenlogo Disco Pogo

  18. When the hightowers are away... Ill get on my other characater and play...

  19. Thank you lion for cutting the head off of my unconsious body, the rp was geting boaring... Enjoy the trophy!

  20. when in doubt, and a darkelf, rp poisoned throwing knives, it makes sense!

  21. yesterday Aron said thse words "Scicle, if I die in battle, Wocket if fair game" today I say "Scuicle, if my power goes out, protect Solace..."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadeleaf


      wonderful, so, does that

      thing about Wocket still

      apply? *flicks duel throwing

      blades into his hands as

      he looks at Aron.

    3. rukio


      *will end up dying for Scicle.....By the kha* I can see it now.

    4. rukio


      *will end up dying for Scicle.....By the kha* I can see it now.

  22. so I was on the server reeeeeellllllly early this morning, and this came up, here is my new character's reaction... http://i.imgur.com/JfRIF.png

    1. MrSyth


      ._. that's cool.

    2. Amorphbutt


      You are awesome.

  23. my god,,,, Im an amazing mom on another character...

  24. now I wait untill my modreq is filled.... I hate dieing at cloud temple....

  25. So, standing in a triangle around the king appears to be the most usefull way of guarding apparently

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog


      also Throwing a splash

      potion at any of the points

      will harm the king...

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