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Status Updates posted by Genevieveee

  1. :C | T.T | D: | :(

  2. Why is it taking so long to switch? GIMME MY 4.0

  3. Something Funny. They're switching maps right now awoehaiwueghawirh :D

  4. We really need more slots T.T I can't do the transition event

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Genevieveee


      Guess i'll wait and try to grab one when the map is switched, assuming it hasn't been already.

    3. Sneaky


      It hasnt cute you are good.

    4. Genevieveee
  5. Eeek! I'm too excited to sleep! 4.0 Comes out tomorrow =u=

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
    3. shiftnative


      hype hype hype

    4. Tom_Whiteman


      shift when does the event start? And when will we be in 4.0? pls tell m8

  6. Movin' tah Kansas.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boomack21


      because they have google fiber

    3. Sebasgann


      rofl boomack, thats a legit + in where I'd move

    4. Genevieveee


      Its Kansas man. that and i don't have a choice.

  7. Well my academic future is about to go down the drain. wewt.

  8. Well my future is about to go down the drain. wewt

  9. Only the picture I want as my profile picture doesn't work. Of course.

  10. why can't I change my picture? Does it just hate me?

  11. -Yawn-. I'm tired.

    1. Space


      Go to bed.

    2. gam


      space is just full of logic today

    3. Genevieveee


      Sleep doesn't help

  12. I only need like, 300 hours of work to do in 6-weeks. Pfft... easy... T.T

    1. bickando


      wait wtf do you do 3/10 of your 6 weeks will be work and that's not counting sleeping...

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Huh. That doesn't sound like much sleep

    3. Genevieveee


      Imma just work over the summer

  13. So much work to do T.T

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i has faith in you

  14. I must say I've gotten pretty good at drawing Chibi...

    1. kingnothing


      Chibi Children. Y u do dis

    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      u can't do it #tellem #dieforyournation #havefun

    3. kingnothing




  15. Won't be on much for this week, Sorry Brahs

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      </3 ill keep the kids

    2. Genevieveee


      You gon get cut.

  16. -Working on a drawing- -Photoshop crashes- GOD FU**ING DAMMIT! i didn't get a chance to save it T.T

  17. I didn't even know PMC had a official server...

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      advertisement permabanana no apple

  18. Ohh yeah, Kitsune Kon this weekend!

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