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Status Replies posted by Mephistophelian

  1. http://gyazo.com/830ab2460c439348ac2440f347f87bf1 Euthanisation of all descendants confirmed. Now humans cant have babies. Lore Team dun gone mad.
  2. Moot is a master troll and he makes me rage internally so hard it becomes sexual.

  3. Is there anyone anywhere that wants to rp somewhere somehow. Over the rainbow hopefully.

  4. (づ。◕౪◕。)づ pbbbbblttt

  5. Lies. Lies, all of it. The butterfly is gonna come back as a caterpillar. I fuckin called it.

  6. Daily Trivia (sorry that I've missed quite a few): What name prefix denotes a clan chief in the language of the Bohra?

  7. ironic memers used to meme in order to satirize stupid memes, but now we've devolved to the point where we are just as bad...

  8. ironic memers used to meme in order to satirize stupid memes, but now we've devolved to the point where we are just as bad...

  9. Anyone want to make some skins for me since I'm lazy? I'll pay yeh generously.

  10. Anyone want to make some skins for me since I'm lazy? I'll pay yeh generously.

  11. What would happen if a really buff orc started doing void magic? They would be stronger than a normal person doing void magic, no?

  12. I'm really amazed. Has there been anyone else in the history of the server to go from new member to admin in a bit more than a year and a month?

  13. On the home page in that bold gold color, shouldn't it read at the bottom "So what actually is Minecraft roleplay?" Instead of "So what is Minecraft roleplay actually?"

  14. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

  15. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

  16. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

  17. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

  18. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

  19. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

  20. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

  21. Daily Trivia: If a person is very vain, what color aura would you expect them to have?

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