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Status Replies posted by Mephistophelian

  1. Teach me how you shade your skins, I want to see different types.

  2. Its not Lotc art, but Marvel art: http://tinyurl.com/pqccy5d

  3. I need help y'all.. I need names that have 7 letters in them and ends with Y ... currently trying to figure someones name out and those are the only hints I have... O.O..

  4. Yesterday was fun. :P Ramza proposed to Elvi. Yep. IT'S HAPPENING, PEOPLE!

  5. any good games for a 2012 grade computer?

  6. Where to find good spots to RP? Literally the most RP I find is in the Red Rose, sadly.

  7. I'm interested in RPing a non-Mage, human character. Are there any families of influence in Oren that have a spot open? Preferably Noble, but I am not picky. If it is a nice crowd, I'd love to join :)

  8. I'm interested in RPing a non-Mage, human character. Are there any families of influence in Oren that have a spot open? Preferably Noble, but I am not picky. If it is a nice crowd, I'd love to join :)

  9. Not saying there should be frost warlocks but.....

  10. Well I think I've read through all magic lore that I can find, through the magic lore section, the wiki, and the guides. Is there any expansion upon any of these that are hard to find that someone could link me?

  11. Best weapon for a 5 year old?

  12. Does anyone else think that there is too much PVP on this server? And people seem to only get on for pvp battles?do you guys think that there is nothing else to do on the server but PVP?

  13. Can I have a show of hands for the number of people who actually RPed their druid going mad because of their connection to nature? Since that is like...The ONLY downside to being a druid.

  14. Can I have a show of hands for the number of people who actually RPed their druid going mad because of their connection to nature? Since that is like...The ONLY downside to being a druid.

  15. Can I have a show of hands for the number of people who actually RPed their druid going mad because of their connection to nature? Since that is like...The ONLY downside to being a druid.

  16. Well, **** it. I should write my own magical creature lore, form a group and create a big server presence and create RP for everyone that people will care about.

  17. Hey LotC. It's been a while.

  18. ay yo fam where the clerics at

    1. Mephistophelian


      War clerics and Itharel, yes. Clerics, boo. Either way, I'll watch this. *ding ding diiiinnngg* FOITE

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  19. ay yo fam where the clerics at

    1. Mephistophelian


      I do not understand...All clerics can do is heal? What the heck is that going to do against dark forces?

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  20. Talk dirty to me

  21. ((OOC)) i cant find a place to hunt ):

  22. challenge for Old Farts (1 year+ on the server) Open your status feed, go to the very end and read backwards while trying not to cringe

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