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About Its_Just_Leap

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    ?Keeper of the Keys?
  • Birthday 06/02/1999

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    Its Just Leap#5153
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    In a sleepy cabin
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    Horror, music, drawing, gaming.

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    Ethel Serene, Keir Elwing, Sirius
  • Character Race
    Mali'ame, Mali'ker, Snow Elf

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  1. Yeah sure let's just give brand spanking new players magic that can easily and will be powergamed. That'll end well won't it? smh

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Security_


      okay that's it i'm calling the bully hunters, you've forced my hand, you'er donzo kiddo 

    3. Valaryon


      No I agree, that's exactly what happens and why the server as a whole is a joke. It's an OOC circle jerk for literally everything. Magic? Become friends with Teachers. Become Emperor? Have the right friends that will support you. Literally it.


      The point I'm trying to make, is I wouldn't complain about players powergaming before it's even happened. It's self explanatory.

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      I agree, now the another reason I make that new players should be held off from using voidal magic is that a very large percentage of them don't have a great knowledge of rp combat, and this is a very bad thing. Already you'll have new players not realize that rp combat isn't just a war of who can type faster (or a "you took too long to emote so I made mine") and more of a turn based ordeal.


      On your point of powergaming before its happened. Most of the server in its current form can't handle not being able to powergame magic. Especially electrical evocation. So I definitely wouldn't trust a new player being able to get it right. Not to sound elitist, I'm sure there are a few that could do it right on the first go. Though its not a big percentage.

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