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About Its_Just_Leap

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    ?Keeper of the Keys?
  • Birthday 06/02/1999

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    Its Just Leap#5153
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    Not Telling
  • Location
    In a sleepy cabin
  • Interests
    Horror, music, drawing, gaming.

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    Ethel Serene, Keir Elwing, Sirius
  • Character Race
    Mali'ame, Mali'ker, Snow Elf

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  1. I don’t understand at this point how someone who is so disconnected with the server, its problems, and the people playing it can somehow still be an admin. Seriously someone give me a good excuse for why telanir is still admin. What purpose does he serve?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Telanir


      Alright, I understand. I will show you with actions instead of words, maybe you will have to wait and see but it will be worth it.

    3. rukio


      Please no more asinine ideas like community guidelines though. . . @Telanir

    4. L0rdLawyer


      @Its_Just_Leap Telanir responds to pretty much everyone and tries to help the best he can. He has multiple players messaging him everyday, his administration duties to handle, and his own life plus college to manage as well. Stop being a ******* prick to him saying he needs to be more transparent when he’s already taking steps to do that and already is transparent about a lot of things. If people would have stopped whining about an orc plot and halfling plots and just ask the Admins nicely, or Telanir nicely, you would have gotten told that he plans on giving them land one way or another next map. Telanir doesn’t sit back, he actually pays attention to ongoing events on LOTC. Maybe show him a little bit of respect and have faith in what he’s doing. You might not see an instant change for the better on LOTC but everything takes time, work, and a little bit of trust. 

      Edited by L0rdLawyer
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