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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by excited

  1. @501warhead Hey Sean! It's been a little while, was wondering how you're doing. I've personally just been going to school and working towards my diploma so I can go to college. Today I learned I passed a quiz with a 28 out of 30, I was extremely proud of myself, it's good to be at optimal capacity again. Given your studies in software development I actually thought of you earlier in the midst of my Engineering class. Mostly learning about creating valued products and creating good ideas, you know, stuff all engineers do - especially software engineers! That actually brings me to the matter of business, this status update revolves around the fact I've lost my Gold Vip due to a forum bug, something that's deeply saddening to me. In my 4+ years on the server I've always retained that tag and while it's nice cosmetically, I would really like it back so I can have my extended forum perks that come with it. It'd be marvelous if you could return that or point me the right way, my cordial messages haven't reached you thus far, but I attribute that to our varied lifestyle and schedules.


    Your friend, Eli

  2. Yiff is good because yiff is great.

  3. i have sinned, sorry my [redacted] mooyose

  4. @GargeradWe will all miss you

  5. I can’t believe Kid_Mackin finally got his revenge. NGL, crying right now, can’t believe it. Insane.

  6. Unban iMattyz!

  7. The Dominion is dead, Long live the Dominion

  8. Donald “The Slapper” Dabber; The 17-Man Killer

  9. congrats on admin moribundity you've come a long way

  10. I like Vortex. 

  11. ive hit 6000 rep thanks @Lionbileti @Jaezon



  12. why u sniffing around my profile when u won't respond to me on disc

  13. while u guys were playing chess, i was getting coffee

  14. You've been out for cigarettes & milk for 6 years when are you coming back

  15. Pour one out for the homie.

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