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Status Updates posted by Propheteer

  1. Someone should make me a character, I'll love you viciously.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Gotta have something to start with.

    3. Propheteer


      and thats where I suck at making characters... so bad...

    4. OhDeerLord


      Theres a woodie looking for someone to play people in her family, Iamleets or something

  2. So PM me what happened with Supremacy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 501warhead


      tl;dr he got thrown from a building sparta style by another high elf. Rest in pieces all seeing eye, you shall see us from beyond the grave.

    3. CosmicWhaleShark
    4. IrishPerson


      Its a ruse like last time!

  3. Who would I nudge if I wanted to ask someone a ton of questions about LotC, and everything based about it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Propheteer


      Well I probably want to pester a Lore Master, but its more or less who is willing to get pestered for days.

    3. excited


      I'm willin'. I personally help new players when I have the opportunity.

    4. Treshure


      Add me on Skype.


  4. I want to make a elf, anyone want to hook me up with a character request, or help me in general. I give hugs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Propheteer


      Then help me, PM me your skype name and i'll start poking you.

      --- Still open to all other offers. :)

    3. Leetles


      Join mah wood elf famileh!!!

    4. Leetles


      I can help you out with playing an elf mostly.

  5. +w+ I wish I was better at skin-making/editing ... //Craisevrytiem

    1. gingernut97


      I wish had at least SOME talent with art. I don't even like art, I just want to draw my own characters!

    2. Propheteer


      You're just like me :C... We'll just craievrytiem together?

    3. gingernut97


      Hold on, ineedtocraiesummor

  6. I have a particular set of skills, I can not use them to kill you, nor do i plan too, but pls

  7. Working on a new character, oh the horror, ... Someone PM me about their fetishes so I can destroy them physically.

  8. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbbltttt

    1. TeaLulu


      (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

    2. Propheteer


      (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

  9. I still can't produce a skin... :C Someone halp.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Just give Panda a moment! * goes off into the streets with a knife*

  10. I'm bored, someone PM me, I can't play LoTC yet because i havent figured out a character.

  11. Soulstoned, stuck in the floor... really?

    1. Nug


      feel my pain

  12. How to post for alt application, if I can't even post in applications? :P

    1. excited


      msg an fm or admin!

  13. Anyone play Eve Online?

    1. Sneaky


      i dont like to lose irl money when my ship blows up so no i don't anymore

  14. I'm terrible at making skins... -Sniffles-

  15. So looking at 5 different guides, a whole lot of coca-cola, and 8 peoples opinion. I have completed the skin, but I also feel like its lacking hardcore.

  16. Some friendly soul should come help me

  17. Urge to try and make lore, lore get in my brain so i can make you.

  18. Exploring the fiery pits of hell as i'm suddenly lag rubberband about 50 blocks out into the middle of the void... What the fudge cake and brownies.

  19. Everyone AMA, its reddit up in here!

  20. Spiderbros, the dopest nopes.

  21. Returning Player, Whats happened in the past year?

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