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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Kim

  1. https://secure.join.me/198-675-570 Livestreaaaaam! Doing Starbound stuff
    1. Kim


      Art livestream guys, just to clarify :P

  2. Agnub is fan-boying over senators in Texas...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      Beard growing contests.

    3. hosper


      ^ While log running

    4. Redbaron™


      I thought he loved the Rangers... my life is a lie.

  3. This is lovely :D I always adore unique 'ugly' girl skins (Even though most of the time, those 'ugly' skin are quite beautiful in their own way). I have quite a few myself and they're extremely fun to play around with.
  4. Any lore masters avaliable?

  5. Austin's getting one helluva freeze rain tomorrow... Brace yourselves :'DD!!!

  6. Finally got caught up on all of Doctor Who :D

  7. Apologies, but I'm still not! It's all has to do with personal issues though. I find it hard to make art when I'm not fully into it, and I guess requests really aren't for me. Sorry, and thanks for the compliment as well! On another note, updated with another image!
  8. http://gyazo.com/96aeceea57babdafbf7f102c7b0979ec Thanks to (most of) those that came to watch! Here's the semi-final sketch!
    1. Aislin


      no boobs but it's nice

    2. Kim


      I think that's mostly y'alls fault c:

  9. Hm... So much to draw, so little time.

  10. Time for winterguard

  11. My last name is Kim. Most Koreans are Kim. I am all Kims.

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      I'm sorry, this is just extremely offensive.

  12. Terraria 1.2! Finally!

  13. Updated again finally! Should be posting a bit more often, although it's going to be mostly traditional art as that's the only real time I have to doodle c:
  14. Kim

    Make some status updates or something, bruv

  15. Half the colorguard sick on gameday. We rock.

  16. Dryads look fun...

  17. FOOTBAAAAAAALL!!! Yeah, no. Our team sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarsies


      o-o ...Are you in the US? What state? <,<

    3. Kim


      Ohh. Highschool football :P Friday night is game-day, and I just got home.

    4. Aislin


      Haha the colorguard at my college is disgusting

  18. We need khats

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      We used to. Where'd they all go?

    2. Kim


      Dato ate them

  19. RIP little Jacque the rat :c I'll miss you.

  20. How do 1 draw traditionally. What is drawing. What are pencils? What is paper? WHAT ARE TREES?!

  21. If I was forced to get a tattoo, I think the only thing I would let them put on my skin would be my little Triboniophorus Tyrannus.

  22. 2/10 I have never seen you before... Nice to meet you! :'D
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