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About Cjmate

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    Frott's Sandwich Maker
  • Birthday 04/05/1994

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    Cjmate #0630
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    U.S. East coast

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    Kristofer Vuiller
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  1. How does breeding experience work in larger numbers? I feel like I get more experience from a handful of animals rather than a bunch. 

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    2. Bvie


      It'll be 300k when I get home from school and deposit my money :D


      Dedicate time, do a bit of research to find out the best ways to level, set goals. Anyone can do what I've done. There are some skills that level easier than others. Just find which skills benefit your goals, research them to the best you can, then execute properly.


      I'm getting ever closer to 2,500 Hours. So hyped to level all the skills.

    3. Anderssn


      Yeah but I think it could be expected that you get people looking at you that way. It makes it feel shady because most people don't put that much effort into skills and money, I've never grinded past legendary and I've got 80k. If I had thought about the mooshrooms ofc I would've used the **** out of it lol. And everyone knows any miner past aengulic uses x-ray or some sort of autominer(wether you taped your left click and put a coin on your W button or got a macro for it). Anyone can do it, but it's still surprising that someone no one had heard about did.

    4. Anderssn


      Also what do you plan on doing with all that money before 5.0? 

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