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Status Replies posted by OtakuAnonymous

  1. We need more hot librarians!

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      For once I agree with you Gronkk, for once I agree.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Anime lovers around the world! Give a shout out and let it be known that we love Anime! HUZZAAAHHH!

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      Yeah. like Upotte, an anime about a school for guns, where girls are actually different guns. My favourite had to be the FN1600, she was beast. +1 Anime, -1 Reulizum

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. remove dark elf

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      That's the same person, which would mean that it's intentional. I had suspicions with the first one, since no one is that... That... Edgy to have a Tiger walk with them, but yeah. Sooooo busted :P

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  4. Seriously, can we please get a better server? This lag is killing me plus the constant crashing. Are we just being ddossed constantly wtf?

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      I don't want to be the one to point this out, but the staff have created this massive server for us. It holds up to 400 people at prime (that one event, I forget who was doing what). Asking for a better server isn't the answer, really, a little lag is fine for what we're provided with daily.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. The Order of the Hunter's Cross has been posted. I know a couple of you have been waiting for this for a while. It's here now, but excuse the fact that it is currently incomplete, in terms of pictures and visual appeal in general. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/97508-the-order-of-the-hunters-cross/

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      +1 For future allies, maybe we can form one central thing, instead of two divisions, since my own group is, as you may be able to deduct, lacking.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Anthos Tournament has been pushed back to 3PM EST. If the servers aren't up by then, they'll be pushed back to 4. After that, we'll postpone it further.

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      That is a very good decision, since I think the issue is a DDoS attack on Mojang, and the lil' poops go to bed and do other things later. Since last night was perfectly fine. Another reason this may have happened is because of the 1.6.4 Update having an error in it, so at peak hours, they're overloaded.

  7. Anthos tourney 2pm est gronkkston (old salvus)

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      But... But the Session is down again... Because... Because Mojang arez useless.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Personaly, I wish the antagonists would make a concerted effort to destroy Anthos. Forget concent, go around destroying everything! than everyone would recognize them as a threat, and work together to kill 'em

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      They're doing quite nice spooking out Malinor, people are panicking. <--- Lots of dead people tolls rising.

  9. Now the cogs start to fall into place... so long as all goes according to plan...

  10. Sign up for 4.0 testing here; http://goo.gl/LYgGa5

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      As the rules state, you gotta listen to the entire- You gotta put at least 50 hours into testing.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. Place ya bets on how long until the first ghosthunter guild pops up!

  12. I consider having a statue of khel made next to the Malinor-malin statue. Is that too conceited?

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      Do it, and Have Aeyrius beside him, because we all know Aeyrius is his only worthy kin >.>

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Is it just me? Or can't people get onto the server.

  14. Well, i got my gold VIP in game, but not on the forums. Hope someone is reading this. . .

  15. I actually think the amount of fighting would go down with PvP default.

    1. OtakuAnonymous


      I see it as enabling a tiny MPM modelled goblin to take out a team of armored people because they're a small target, even though the hitbox is the same, they can still hide and such. Not the most realistic thing.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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