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Status Updates posted by Mansfield

  1. This server is just full of power hungry Pvp'ers who couldn't care any less about how the opposite players experience is affected, I would say about 80% of the server. The other 20%... STAY STRONG :3 I know how it feels :' (

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mansfield


      I just wish people where more consideret to others :P

    3. monkeypoacher


      me too but this is the internet so yeah

    4. mmat
  2. Who is head of the Event Team?

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. Jistuma


      303 is at the moment, firespirit concentrating on a part of the ET members, but 303 with the rest.

  3. It is official... the Dwarf King has a magical beard.

    1. Demotheus


      He knows beardmancy?

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      That's... Awesome.. ._.

  4. Somebody mined up our Iron gate today, I made a modreq and the person wouldent tell me who broke the gate. I wan't to know who broke this iron gate but the gm/mod refuses to tell me. Why would they refuse? Whoever did it has broken the rules, shoulden I have the right to know?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mansfield


      The gm/mod did not leave a sign no. But that's besides the point, I wanted to know who was braking the rules and the gm/mod refused to tell me.

    3. Cyndikate


      Contact the admin and find another GM to logblock it. I can understand he left the names out if it's RPly broken, but if it's blatant griefing it's poor taste to not tell the owner.

    4. Heff


      What I meant was did the breaker leave a sign? If so it is rp

  5. A brothel was turned into an Orphanage due to rule changes, would you say this is reason enough to raid the place? Just a random question I had.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tethras


      Reasons can be easily invented. For example the location, owner, ect

    3. Aptrotta


      Actually it was an orphanage turned brothel then back to orphanage.

    4. Mansfield


      I just thought it was a unrealistic reason.

  6. It falls down to the individuals whether or not if they Cyber or FTB, it is there fault is they Cyber. Brothels really happened in medevil times and they where popular, we are not creating Cyber we are creating Rp, also the Brothel was very popular and much rp happened there.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mansfield


      If anything the brothels are actually catching out the individuals who intend to cyber.

    3. Guest


      I agree it created such good RP because so many people were there

    4. Mansfield


      At least give the community a chance to appeal, honestly the individuals running the Brothel would have been watching out for cyberers 50x more then an average player.

  7. Does the Aengul known as Aeriel have a sybol which represents her?

  8. If I where to post up a military thread for a village, where would I do this?

    1. comanderbly^


      Either Roleplay or Guilds, but most likely roleplay, under the race that the village is in

    2. Mansfield


      Alrighty, thanks!

  9. Are gates working? the plugin that is.

  10. Server is down for maintenance? Does this take a while?

    1. SparehoeCakes


      It may, may not. It said short maintenance, so lets hope not. :)

  11. I am new to LOTC and my new character Edward has finally learnt how to use a bow efficiently, to make this official can I create some kind of mini app with a write up of how he came about to using a bow so well or should I just have my character carry on using the bow efficiently because of what has happened in-game?

    1. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      Follow mostly what happens IG

    2. Lago


      You don't need a bow app or anything.

    3. Mansfield


      Al right then, thanks.

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