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Status Updates posted by Dougstalicious

  1. Lucien forces managed to capture Garloth the Golem, good work my friends.

    1. Supremacy


      The high elven golem!

  2. Better dead than red.

    1. everblue2er101


      Stay true, keep blue.

  3. We are the Creator's angels of death, not his angels of mercy.

  4. go katelyn #1
    1. Katelyn


      thank u for the supprt

  5. rip gunnerdude u will be missed

    1. Aislin


      is gunner.. ded?

  6. Frivolity is not stupidity.

  7. Morality is not natural.

  8. "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world monocular."

    1. Kardel


      It also makes the whole world pirates. Eyepatches. Argh. Fun.

  9. if jews are native americans then palestinians are the indians

    1. Porko


      The Asian Invasion is real

  10. trolls are why this server is dying, and it's why my friends and I are contemplating leaving

    1. + Reggieo +

      + Reggieo +

      I couldn't put this better, Needs to be knuckled down on, I can think of atleast three people

  11. will the troleing ever end?.......

    1. Lym


      only if u spell it rite olol

  12. spending the weekend with maddie

    1. Guest


      hmu on snapchat

  13. must be the universe trying to correct itself after leyulin

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      there is never enough white out...

  14. guns are dangerous and have no place in our homes

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      without gun how do i shoot myself

  15. total war warhammer :)
    1. Sujamma Addict

      Sujamma Addict


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