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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by ℤ∃ʁ∅

  1. Should i put the song on soundcloud or youtube ?

  2. So I will put up my last song of the year!

  3. so i wake up and found out that ive been logged on while i was sleep

  4. Time to watch SHARKNADO before i go to bed :p if you dont see me tmrw..I'm sorry

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      in 7 days i will die XD

    3. Desires


      I'll rip a b****s weave out.

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      <3 awww i can't wait XD

  5. Just learned that we can use 1.7.4 on the server ! :3

  6. So theres this petition to have me on the MT haha if you want LOTC to have some good music and Zer0 things. Sign it XD funny thing is A MT member made this for me XD https://www.change.org/petitions/the-lotc-media-team-add-zer0-to-the-media-team

    1. Nug


      or you can make an application like a normal person. :/

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i did that XD long ago and i didnt make this petition someone just link this to me and i was like :O

  7. 3 songs down! :3 dont know when to put them, thinking about having one in a animation though,

  8. OMFG i broke 3 of my electric guitar strings on the last song :( thats LOTC breaking my guitar strings T^T

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      :( i finished the song though.. i was strumming then started to go faster and BOOM broke! so mad! they were great strings </3

  9. well to sleep to Creepypasta or a Abriged Series.. sound promising.. night yall!

    1. Desires


      Night my sweet angel.

    2. DruinsBane


      Abridged, Creepypasta are a bunch of generic horror stories that don't listen to the basics of horror.

    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i went with abridged this ime :3

  10. Server dont make me go in by force! >:(

  11. Just finished a scourge song :) good week for music

    1. 5678


      can't wait to hear that one

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      putting it up after i eat :3

  12. Last song of the week! Support and help out the fellow delvers ! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103447-the-delver-blues-zer0-jazzy-mix/ :3 hoping everyone is enjoying there Xmas i worked hard on music and art XD enjoy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    3. thepizzaplac


      Ohh, btw love your wind scales song..Listened to it too many times...

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      Thanks man it helps me through my nights man.

  13. OMG really 3 hours spent on making a Orc scenery for there picture of there song...God... never again XD should be up in 20 :p latest

  14. Just finished the song, i find this the most hardest one yet... cuz i dont know much about orcs.. so i thought of asia for some reason..XD need some orc skins :p looking around for some soundpacks XD gemme some skins! :p time to work on cover!

  15. Well this day i will be working on a Orc song (wants to hurt himself) but i was told to try a tribal song. so ill try my best and it might be short :l time i hoping itll take a good 1 or 2 hours

    1. ToenailTickler



    2. dank


      LubLub'Sandru approves.

  16. Taking a break from making sample music , going start playing around with some more

  17. Song about to be up "Malinorian Breeze"

  18. Song done :) now working on the cover of the video :) hope everyone enjoys another Zer0 production

  19. Just finished the guitar and harp line of the song. so far i think the song should be called "Play my Flute Boy,play"

  20. OMG just got my ocarina in the mail today oh happy days! See you later guys I'm off to hyrule!^-^

  21. So i started working on the Land of Malinor song for the server ost, Just got the Flute part done hoping to sound more elvish :)

    1. gam


      hail friend of malinor

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      trying to get the acoustic guitar and harp part

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