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Posts posted by Suicidium

  1. gQ8zEvU7QJmslxkG2DJj70ta5rJ7WhOUVZfvxlQ5pd6TwwigeycYJgfl1LnZjqs84OJs0rVQ8JU-vkpyMjjuPjUJ86iyKnhE9wsaIowXDwrLiRWdzJrAC5u3PeBg_5cksGuqX62e




    Ulmsbottom Estate


    Ertaubleierwald Province, Canton of Vaud, Realm of Aeldin.


    Cascading waves veiled the stampede of hooves trampling across the trodden path. Shadows in motion through the seamless fog, nothing could fill the aching emptiness left within their hearts. There would be only despair this day. With the golden sun disappearing beneath the mountains, a looming silence arrived upon the fort. 


    The gateman positioned upon the walls hammered ice off his windlass. There was fear of what was to come within him, yet his visage remained unchanged. All knew. Shrieking its protests, the portcullis rose as the riders entered. Piths of melancholy engulfed those that watched from the sides, the defining quintessence was that labels were abjured. Wonder means worry. The rules demand a show of indifference.


    Another gateman proclaimed their arrival, but there was no rush...For Lord Benedictus, in the flesh strode out to meet those who arrived. The rules call for casualness, for a pretense that guts are not churned with dread. He was only met with coldness and disdain, as a lock and chain were produced into sight.


    That was all it took for a man, once called the ‘Silver Bear’ in his realm to be caged. An irony, when he had tousled and fought for his people. Begrudging rivalries. Once swirling with oratory strength that was beholden to no man. Pervading a determination to succeed was a reminiscence of an age-old proverbial that totaled irony. Now what is only left is the consequences of his actions to be weighed in the afterlife. 


    An ornate silver key was handed into the hands of a slender cloaked individual with hauntingly green eyes, A whispering echoed from the keep when the hood was pulled off to reveal Siegfried placing the key into a metallic lockbox completed with the Ashford seal. The night has come to its conclusion. There was no protest, no grand display of drama for the masses, nothing substantial for history to remember but yet another leader brought low by the whimsical changes of power. 


    As the fog began to lift the very next morning, an unmarked ship slipped out of port by the seamless southern vineyards. An old Savoyard stood stoic as he watched the departure of the ship. Biding God above to bless his kin.  Avoiding bloodshed needed a thread through a needle, necessitating surmountable circumstances. The wheels had begun to turn once more for this proud family that has always persevered above all else. 





    Ooc summary. Explaining the absence of Eugeo’s father as being arrested in a power struggle, as well as serving as his reason for coming to Arcas. Keen on writing more familial roleplay and lore in the future! My discord and forums are always open if you are interested in helping or offering criticism. Hope you enjoy the read!

  2. 15 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Filibert Applefoot squints as he tries to read the small font.

    ((Please make it a little bit larger!))

     ((Appreciate the heads up!!))

  3. _yu5LRKE8thpmp_Stk86nvIybnJGRpeb5ytrWB3gl4ufEsrJ4UBnkAjUmcyNWhBKfJvz1we_Oi0bRuDmdmbIzM56gb4wTX3ymkksQFBv8_kGHF9lEBrAMTeohTzvQ-EdFCKbYZ70


    A Darrowmere record, shelved within the town archives on the 5th of The Deep Cold, 1774


    Gregarious individuals flock like birds of the same feather. An occasion was marked within the warm burrows of Darrowmere as citizens and visitors from afar came together in a night filled with revelry and stupor. Honoured guests graced the event, such as the newly coronated Norland King along with the Sea Prince of Elvenesse. There were displays of insurmountable strength through the presence of Chryssa Stormbringer, who squashed the intricacies of the Belmont drama with a monstrous will. Unforgettable it remains, of Elisabeth and Edward’s dedication towards maintaining a facade of order, and the former rose to the task of handling the healing of an injured guard by the name of Vincent Ofroi. A genteel Philomena tended to a young lad of Astrea who had too much to drink to his own home, a kindly gesture of benevolence for everyone to see. All of this happened under the watchful, brittle cold gaze of the Rabbit of Darrowmere, Dame Athri Onfroi who ensured the beer flowed seamlessly and order precariously maintained throughout the evening. 


    A gist of the spontaneous situation which arose from capable tavernkeeping, the old heartlander traditions persist evermore within the hearth of Darrowmere as it spurs to march onwards with further festivities to spur activity daily in the budding, young town. There was a cruel, or perhaps humorous element of the festivities that shall be willfully purged into history, may it never cross the minds of the citizenry of Darrowmere ever again. Soon, more events of this ilk will arrive, and as the date of Darrowmere’s grand opening comes close, one can only hope for more heartlanders and other descendants amongst the realm to attend. 






    I made a mistake of not taking screenshots to reference from, and I’m really keen on involving the character names and actions of more players on the next record. Will be a WIP project on making better records as things go along with this settlement. 



    Mad Hatters Trading Co. 

    Est. 1707


    Assiduous, Fastidious & Tenacious. An enigmatic mercantile organization has unburrowed thyself at the promising town of Darrowmere. Its origins remained shrouded in rumours, and its lofty ambitions are known only to its enterprising ladies and gentlemen. A single queen of spades, wedged into a great oaken tree within the town, tells of certain existence. The Mad Hatters Trading Co. was revived in conjunction with the fluid state of affairs within Arcas, serving with its ample reserves for the heartlanders and other denizens of the budding town.  Dutifully focused in the purposes of general goods, M.H.T.C, is interested in expanding through the recruitment of fresh blood within its whimsical ranks. 

    Institutionalized with beliefs in the defence of the canonist faith and assistance to the unfortunate, characterized in a form in ancient common language as ‘Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum’ which is enshrined in the M.H.T..C’s elusive compass. Its long-term goals remain ambiguous.  Therefore,  study hands with an eye for profit are sought. 

    Recruitment Form, to be mailed with its courier service paid for.




    OOC information:



    New and returning players are welcome to join, and interested players can be contacted through discord to discuss any questions. 


    Suicidium | Crines#2975






    No rabbits were harmed by the partners of this company.

  5. 1 hour ago, chaosgamer said:

     Rhegal Black cracked his knuckles as there was business to be done.


    Name: Rhegal Black
    Position: Supplier, and an associate of the company in general

    Introduction: “I, Rhegal Black am willing to work with the Oxenstierna company, providing them with any supplies needed and doing a good word for them. I am willing to carry out tasks for them and work with the family in general.” 


    In swirly letters, a signature was written underneath the


    OOC information:  yeah, imma answer any questions in discord ?
    Username: chaosgamer_

    Discord: chaos#7283


    A letter written posthaste and dispatched by courier arrived within the next day at soonest. 


    To the esteemed Rhegal Black, you are accepted for the position as an associate of the company and will be tasked with responsibilities soonest as the market demands. 


    Best regards, 



  6. 11 hours ago, Potts244 said:

    Fremont personally hands his recruitment form to Faust “You know I’m always willing to help with the company.”


    Name: Fremont Oxenstierna

    Position: Whatever the hell you need me to do

    Introduction: * a crude drawing of a drunk Baldewin flirting with a barmaid*


    Whisking a reply to the gentleman a reply arrived posthaste. Bearing the mark of the O.T.C. 


    Your letter has been promptly torned, tripped to pieces and burned to ashes but I had a good chuckle out of the drawing. Welcome aboard. 







    Est. 1707


    The Oxensteirna is a fiery and enduring Savoyardic family borne from the remains of the of old Lorraine-Savoy Kingdom of Axios. Remarkably esoteric on their origins or affiliations and known for their shrewd business sense, the Oxensteirna has faced numerous setbacks prior to the arrival on Arcas but remains ever resolute, with their gaze set on rising to higher heights.


    The Oxensteirna Trading Company was borne in conjunction with the fluid state of affairs within Arcas, serving as a minor player in financial markets in Ves, Reza and Helena. Serving dutifully in the purposes of general goods, the O.T.C for short has progressed into a state of expansion in seeking workers and caravan guards for its purposes.


    Institutionalized with beliefs in the defence of the faith and assistance to the poor, characterized in a form of a ancient common language as ‘Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum’ is enshrined in the O.T.C’s moral compass. Its long-term goals remains ambiguous.

    Partners of the Oxensteirna Trading Company
                  I: Captain Honour Rackham[LD-001]


    Associates of the Oxensteirna Trading Company
                 [Publicly Redacted]


    Workers interested in menial labour or fighters with martial prowess in exchange for payment and incentives are sought for.



    Recruitment Form, to be mailed in any of the stall locations in Ves, Reza and Helena.







    OOC information:



    Men and Women under fealty need not apply.


    New and returning players are welcome to join, and the following players can be contacted through discord to discuss any questions one may have.







    Cassiflorn | Crines#2975

    Laurelin | Liritho#0797









    No part of this document  may be reproduced without prior written permission by a partner of the O.T.C



  8. Name: Faust

    Race: Human

    Age: 17

    Desired role: Craftsman

    Reason for enlistment: I will like to hone and sell my wares to the benefit of monster-slaying. 



    Username: Cassiflorn

    Discord Tag (Example#3333): Crines#2975

    Timezone: GMT +8

  9. 36c87e886611d5caf9fc4479f5652d84.png

    A letter written in non-descript handwriting arrived within the fortnight by courier to the sellsword, upfront in its intention in hiring the warrior. 


    To the Veteran Royce Ruric de Frey,


    Your swordsmanship services are sought by a fledging youth with only determination laden within his skills in wielding a blade coupled with the willingness in finding a tutor of considerable reputation such as yourself to learn at the price of your choice. 


    With interest, 

    Faust von Oxenstierna

  10. Clan Otsugowara


    Crest of the Otsugowara Clan


    Great sadness is tearless..


    Supreme enlightenment is wordless.. 


    Loud laughter is silent.. 



    Clan Otsugowara is a fiery and enduring clan borne from the remains of the once-mighty Hirafu clan hailing from the far-flung eastern continents. Members of the Otsugowara profile themselves to be wily and resourceful, keen on defending a reputation on serving as protectors of the easterners and battering their foes that reaches across the many seas both west and east.



    Recent History


    Clan Otsugowara is presently led by Suzuhito Otsugowara, currently within its sixth generation, succeeding after centuries of bloodied conflict and a gory end to numerous clan members. Otsugowara joined in the side of Clan Kato in the Echo Bay Uprising of 1692, a tumultuous and complicated easterner conflict that saw Otsugowara brought to close to complete destruction by its enemies. 


    In a stroke of fortitude in the closing days of the conflict with defeat for themselves and their allies all but certain due to malicious tactics, Suzuhito Otsugowara alongside the bravest of his kin and retainers commandeered the fastest sailship from the enemy fleet in a brazen night mission, and placed it into service at the forefront of the refugee fleets that came to this continent…





    Familial Direction



    In-Game state of the Tokoko Refugee Camp 


    Clan Otsugowara has declared the restoration of the Easterners in the continent to be an imminent priority, toiling hard to ensure consistent development of the Tokoko Refugee Camp as a hub to encourage growth and recovery of the Easterners. In true likeness, the clan has established a personal godo kaisha to achieve its financial ends and prepares to trade in various artisan trades and crafts to bring both wealth and life back into the Eastern people. 



    Family Legends and Ancestry. 




    Clan Otsugowara claims to be the descendants of Asuka no Hirafu, a legendary naval commander in their fables who let a thousand ships to conquer the eastern mainland. His campaign culminated in the battle of Hakusukinoe which saw the coalition forces of the mainland successfully push back his invasion. 


    "We learn that in ancient times there have been cases of troops being asked for and assistance requested: to render help in emergencies, and to restore that which has been interrupted, is a manifestation of ordinary principles of right. The Land of..., in its extremity, has come to us and placed itself in our hands. Our resolution in this matter is unshakable. We will give separate orders.. to advance at the same time by a hundred routes” 


    It was said to be an honorable cause as the Lord had given his word to the remaining survivor of a royal clan of antiquity and married her to see the return of the once prosperous kingdom. Although the restoration forces had initial successes it eventually saw defeat at the hand of the mainlanders and Asuka no Hirafu returned to his hometown to seek redemption. It was there that he received a vision that there will come a time in which his clan will herald a new era for their people in another faraway continent, and hence is how the legend goes. 


    Family Traditions WIP as In-game roleplay brings improvement to the traditional aspect. 




    Version 0.1 An Introduction: Kanzeon is an Easterner belief that Clan Otsugowara follows with an emphasis on ancestral worship and familial piety, believing in the importance of a Sangha (Native Language: Seng-Chia) which is a religious community as an integral class of society. 

    Origins: Far-East. Kanzeon is a way of life that developed from the mainstreams of Eastern Farfolk culture, usually regarded as a minority in many of the larger urbanized regions in the area.  After many local tragic upheavals, local sages (Native Language: Onymodos ) and monks began to propagate the importance of familial virtues and the merits of strong bloodlines as a matter of self-perseverance. 

    A key aspect of Kanzeonism would be folk religion where a follower attempts to propitiate and attract the favor of local and ancestral spirits known as phi(Native Language: Kami). While some have often drawn a clear line between their beliefs and folk religious practices, this distinction is rarely observed in more rural locales. Spiritual power derived from the observance of Kanzeon precepts and rituals is employed in attempting to appease local nature spirits. Astrology, numerology, ancestral relics and the creation of talismans and charms also play a prominent role and often kept in proper shrines. 





    Annets part one: 
    Amongst the descendants, Kanzeonism has permeated strongest in the retention of ancestral relics due to its importance or heritage. An example would be that of a sword or katana of a famous warrior being kept by his family or colleagues after his demise. Another example would be that of meditation beads of a monk, kept and consecrated by his colleagues to be a talisman to honor and respect his memory. Such acts are seen as good deeds and contribute to the individual dharma(Karma) in a positive light. 



    An example of a platform, usually wooden in nature where relics are placed upon and tended to on an almost daily basis in a shrine or home as part of the caretaker’s routine. 

    OOC implementation: An Easterner player character could have a wooden platform in their home dedicated to items of importance to them which can be consecrated by a member of the monastic class.  After which, the caretaker of these items can be done through the daily cleaning and burning of incense to honor these items and relics. 

    Similarly, in shrines for more important items and relics usually using fancier platforms and flower arrangments. Some practitioners even offer offerings in the form of food that is changed on a daily basis. 




    Joining the Clan - OOC - 


    Clan Otsugowara is an ever-expanding concept that will improve and is seeking competent and passionate players interested in growing Easterner culture on the server, it will be my hope to create an entertaining roleplay experience to those interact and join the effort with the Easterners and I will be keen on listening to criticism and feedback to improve the Easterner clan with. I added a small section in the event that someone would be interested in signing up!



    Roleplay Experience?: 
    Roleplay Strength?: 
    Previous Punishments?: 
    Discord?: (You do not have to post it. A simple pm or adding 
    me at Crines#2975 will be fine! Feel free to contact me and ask questions this way as well)



  11. The Raider Scourge of the 23rd of Amber’s Cold, 1696




    The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of a single hour. 

    At the town of Belvitz, several bodies laid side by side, awaiting undertakers to take them away to their graves or the Cloud Temple. A white sheet covering them was stained a crimson red, hiding their gruesome ends. However, the tavern itself was scrubbed clean, a kindly gesture by those who remained in the aftermath.  

    Wrapped in a scroll of an easterner design would be a notice bearing the handwritings of the Otsugowara written in a translated, Common language. 



    To the administration of Belvitz


    As the midnight oil burned in the town of Belvitz and its tavern filled with a handful of guests lingering for the evening, riders armed to the teeth spilled into the tavern and swiftly overwhelmed those within with potent brutality, seeking to cause havoc in the shortest time possible. They wore non-descript grey armor with little details that told of their origins initially. Survivors of the initial fighting were forced to fight one another at knifepoint while an unknown man was thrown from a height after suffering a grievous stabbing. Amidst the depravities between the entrapped civilians, shameful displays of dishonor reared its ugly head among the weak-willed. It culminated when a relief force rallied to battle the marauders but eventually succumbed. I am but a traveler, but the leader of the band of raiders was burned into my memory by his look of bloodthirst and vengeance, as if an oni, or demon in your language, has consumed his mind. 



    Correlated witness accounts of the subject in question

    He was a giant man with hair as black as his heart, and a thick beard, his eyes a peculiar shade of violet/blue hue. Rife with demonstrable madness, his clothes were stained with blood from the blood and gore brought about throughout the evening. He proclaimed himself the King of Norland and declared that he had come for those who killed his people, taken his lands, and exiled his family. Ivar Ruric, the last of the Rurikid. 




    Correlated witness accounts of the subject in question

    Another raider of notable detail was a 6’4 figure with a nasty laugh skilled on horseback,  appearing quiet at times during the havoc of the raid, yet this Otsugowara suspects that he could very much have been the true leader and instigator of the raid itself displaying such intriguing shrewd behavior.. He left behind a note in the bloodstained tavern, insinuating this group to have been part of the Cursus Honorum and declared for it. 



    On my familial honor, I did as much that could be done to assist civilians injured during the aftermath and devoted the rest of my time in Belvitz cleansing the tavern, leaving at the break of dawn. The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention. 


    Suzuhito of Clan Otsugowara


    Clan Seal of the Otsugowara

  12. The dunes of sand across the beach shifted ever so slightly with the gentle rolling breeze across them, coming in from the distant seas that those within the refugees had been so familiarized with. A hearth made of burning paper from food packaging and identical pieces of gathered wood crackled lightly in the empty night while figures were scattered about the shadows of the bonfire on mats and blankets. The Otsugowaras were asleep among a few scattered futons, one of its female members holding the other in her arms, chin resting on her sister’s shoulder as they both slumbered as they always had. The fire was dying as the sun began her rise over the bay, licking across the scorching sands with a gentle wisp as if it had no care for the suffering the group had endured. 


    Suzuhito Otsugowara’s scowl only worsened as he inspected the food supplies, and began to shout orders towards the exhausted retainers and able men as scrolls upon scrolls of blueprints were unloaded, hurrying the construction of Tokoko. He remarked as men burned through the midnight oil, “We have fled a tiger at the front gate only to find a wolf at the back” 


    @Miss_Confined  @Shady_Snaekxddd @Stack Loot @Manatee 




  13. Victoria looked over her timepiece and counted the hours left till voting closes. With an abated breath, she shakes her head gently at the prospect of just eight more hours for citizens to vote, it was going to be a long night. 

    (( OOC:Just eight hours to vote! Head to your respective polling location if you have signed up to be a voter!))

  14. ?????? ??? ?????-? ??????????? ????????? ?????????


    As to minimize the costs of printing,  a single issue is pinned at the Mos Le’ Harmless Cantina noticeboard, a single one on the notice board in Godfrey Square, and finally on the front entrance leading into Caius square. For historical public record in response to the Imperial Election Commission’s pre-election newspaper publishment.




    For public record, the nomination speech by my person spoken at the city center on the 11th of Sigismund's End, 1686 for the Priorist Party Convention.

    With the publishment of The Statute of Carolustadt, a lady in a silken dress would have merely hurried along, was it not for the fortune of education and a disposition of heightened curiosity to the state of the world and the fellow man and woman that inhabit it. Were it not for those, even I might have concluded that I simply passed by some other declaration similar to ones that predate it. 

    My name is Victoria IV Annabella Campenhau-Schöngrunn von Oxenstierna-Mühlen, first descendant of the Lady Mirabella of the Schöngrunn isle in Schweinfurt. Sole daughter of the late Alfred Schöngrunn, steward of Ulmsbottom, and the lady Mirabella Mühlen, thrice removed cousin of the late Giovanni Mühlen, of the long-lost Mühlen lineage.

    I am a daughter raised in the fire and brimstone of humanity, forged with the noblest of minerals of purity to which this Empire is so wealthy, tempered with the knowledge and classics of the centuries before me, and finally baptized in the struggle that follows at the end of all good things. My father was a fervent speaker for the Canonist cause, my mother a great thinker of reason far beyond the capacity of any common bred woman of lineage, not to question the patriarchy that persists around us and is the foundation of the order of all things natural, but to deepen the thoughts and principles that permeate within, and to hold the principle of adaptation to the highest esteem. Yet, I do not choose to speak for the Holy and be so abashed as to depict myself as able to deem those that are astray from being canonist. 

    We find Beauty in all things natural, we find it in the flowers grown in gardens, we find it in the skies lit at night, in the melodies sung by birds, on the faces of fair maidens and in the prose and poetry of written word. Beauty is the fairest of virtues associated with kindness, softness, delicateness, sensitivity and adaptability, the proneness to all other virtues. The Dandelion in its simple symmetry, its strong regenerative and reproductive capacity, and above all its survivability.

    Take the fair human maiden, delicate hands which many crafts could be performed with, a fair oval shaped face with symmetrical beauty, used as a clean canvas of the most glorious painting classics, and a softness of body and disposition of virtues. Take as opposed the bulbous Green-skin, crooked teeth and bulbous nose and forehead. A dreadful stare, lack of emotions, and savagery that has persisted for as long as the good human people can write, with no end in sight to their never adapting ways.

    The more adaptable and beautiful something is by nature, the more likely does it stand superior to the test of time, mettle, virtue and other such universal measures. Humanity was blessed with the natural state of reason, of adaptability, of free thought unchained by centuries of history, and of free will unchained by centuries of dogma. It is exactly that adaptability and beauty in action that causes humans to be truly the superior race.





    iacta alea est

    Carolustadt stands as a testament to the glory of the Imperium of Man, and a bastion for the holy and virtuous to guide humankind to greater heights than already achieved. I will, however, find myself disgusted by the level of polarity that has descended and bled into local news, oversensationalizing this election as a theater of entertainment for the masses. 

    The men and women that died on the 17th of Godfrey’s Triump, 1687, had decades of service to the Imperium and were part of the Arbeiterklasse of humanity, working individuals that have dedicated their lives in paying their dues. I publicly regret that circumstances had let to such grievous consequences leading to their deaths. 

    The die is being cast today, and regardless of the outcome, my values and duties to humanity and the citizens of this great Empire that I have dedicated my life to remains unchanged and unbroken. I will remain unapologetic to those that would hinge on sympathy to generate attention and influence, and remain steadfast to my values. 

    Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz; prüfe mich und erfahre, wie ich's meine,

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