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Posts posted by Suicidium

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Eugeo de Astrea


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Crineas d'Avre


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Air Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Air Evocation stands as one of the oldest types of magic on the server, known as one of the fundamental elemental magics that form the basis of voidal magics on the server. Its skills and abilities have changed across the varying maps, but its governing principles remain largely the same.

    Void Magic is relentless in its effect on the acuity of oneself, such as the negative effects on one's physical strength, and weaknesses sustained from wearing armor for instance whilst having spellcasting. There is an age requirement for connecting to the Void itself, and the tax on the mental self of a mage is shown. Ultimately, utilizing the powers of the Void is of a corrosive effect of oneself.

    Air Evocation itself requires extensive, in-depth knowledge of the nature and properties of the elements surrounding it. Many years spent understanding and visualizing the element in order to create it within the imagination, and utilizing oneself mana to affect it into the real plane of existence around the Void Mage. These magics utilized by the Mage will mimic that of actual elements only for the duration and effect of the spell in question and range from basic to intermediate and master tiers that allow for a diverse range of usages for Air Evocation. 



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    No. There is not. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    [1] Crineas d'Avre, a lithesome mage with past that he was silent about shall move in a gentle turn, moving along in a flow as he shall raise his hand in turn, his hand rising up to his side as he shall focus onto a nearby training dummy, a meager straw man that has been strutted up for his purposes as he shall utilize the abilities afforded by him. The tips of his fingers shall have his own aura, with an aureate sheen that reflects from it, as he concentrates..

    [2] The Ancient Mage now brings his fingers together, snapping them as he worked with a precise manner, going to have a peculiar bodice of air swirling and coalescing in front of him. His concentration remained strictly in place as he maintained a fastidious look, as a high crescendo of a screeching noise came about the swirling air.

    [3] With a flourish of his hand, he shall gesture in front of him, sending a strong gust of wind in the specific direction he had desired, sending forth, a loud thrumming voice in turn as the gathered air shall pummel relentlessly in front of him as it travels along, and after a certain distance, it shall fade into nothingness as the elven mage prepares a drink from his waterskin, satisfied by his work. 


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [1] Crineas d’Avre moved across the gravel and dirt, kicking up stones and dust alike as he transversed the scenic area, poised high above the Highlands whilst a gentle breeze rolled through the environs. It was here that he had found her student, a stalwart young elf that bested his skills against a stump of a redwood tree. Once more, her eyes focused on him as she raised her hand, the verdant blue aura forming along with its form.  

    [2] Crineas d’Avre shall look to his student, chuckling as he goes to say. “ You’re in for a neat surprise today” he spoke esoterically of it, adopting a mischievous behavior as he shall let a light swirling air begin to pool on the feet of his bewildered student, as it strengthens in its compression and focuses onto its target in turn…ominous air persisting..

    [3] Crineas d’Avre shall launch the spell, springing the trap as he shall let his student be propelled into the air after an activate, “Surprise!” rang out from his person. Sending his student soaring over a meter as he bursts into laughter in turn, letting his connection rest as the aura coating on his hands shall subside and a grinning teacher was left in its wake. 



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    During teaching: If I find that my student is powergaming during the display of Evocation during lessons, I would pause the encounter of roleplay and explain the issues in their performance. Later detailing how they can avoid similar issues in the future. 


    After teaching: If I find that my student is powergaming after their lessons have concluded and I have already spoken to them on multiple accounts about their behavior and I have exhausted all point of preventing the repetitive behavior, I would then make the Story Team aware of the student and the issues present within their powergaming.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. csSD_FspSzzXdq80rWy_jrAA3TeyABr8vE-9cETqCk_IPps9m4uE2z0sBZ_Diovp4n92gP1PUQoT9XhY5pbZvRgNzjk-4yB34IKvJwNeOSFm5Dq9lLTZncsUw0qRv7X5pRSQC_Sa

    From the Ducal Office of the Free City of Elysium

    Your stated skills are noted, Rose, and you are hereby invited to Elysium to be interviewed by my person to serve my family and court. The Astrean Palace has been in temporal neglect and it is my purpose to revitalize and spruce it up, and I can ensure good compensation for your services. 

    Best regards,
    Duke Eugeo de Astrea

  4. 15 hours ago, Luxury said:

    Great piece, however I'd like to probe a bit. I'm getting a sense of disconnection between this magic and void magic. Why would the two be adverse to one another?

    Might be following precedence as Paladinism and Druidism is adverse/weakened to Void Magic as well. 

  5. csSD_FspSzzXdq80rWy_jrAA3TeyABr8vE-9cETqCk_IPps9m4uE2z0sBZ_Diovp4n92gP1PUQoT9XhY5pbZvRgNzjk-4yB34IKvJwNeOSFm5Dq9lLTZncsUw0qRv7X5pRSQC_Sa

    Drawn up 12th of the First Seed, Year 49 of the Second Age


    From the Ducal Office of the Free City of Elysium


    False Flags. 


    Sometimes it is better to be kind, and a patient heart will always listen. Vengeance and anger only leads to a spiral of depravity and carnage. 


    It has been brought to the attention of the Elysian Governance of allegations sprouted during an unfortunate incident in Myrine involving an attempted assassination.

    It is hereby categorically denied, and stupendous, for Elysium and her citizenry to be backing or even conspiring in aggressive hostilities with Mareno and its associates. It has been written in prior notices that the Mareno Faction holds a superior edge in martial strength and stability with its enterprise and an outright insidious attempt by short stature is laughable if not for the grave allegations that the Duchy is somehow even involved.

    We are not involved or care for foreign subterfuge and subversion. These depraved scum and their associates are to be arrested and hunted on sight if they have not been all executed for their transgressions already. They are condemned irrevocably and deplored for their actions and malcontent.

    We wish the wounded innocents in the Myrine Incident if present, a speedy recovery.




    Duke Eugeo de Astrea

    Lady Aylin de Astrea, Heir Regent
    Minister of Interior & Foreign Affairs

    Lord Commander Ellathor Vanari
    Minister of Defense

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