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Status Updates posted by Gone

  1. So how do I repair a fishing pole? Or is that not possible?

    1. Neri


      Use a repair block and some wood planks

    2. Gone


      Thank you, and now the search for this repair block begins!

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
  2. Some people really need to remember you gotta check everyone's comfort levels when doing killing/torture rp. If you are making people ill irl then you aren't doing it right.

  3. Someone please put a second auctioneer at the CT, one is clearly not enough. 


    And to whoever put those nametags up individually? I hate you.

    1. Shadeleaf
    2. ShameJax


      The same people will just spam it with their junk probably. 

  4. Thought I'd hop in team builder to play Kindred. 15 minutes later and counting...

    1. Nekkore


      Yeah that's what happens when a new character comes out. Ranked doesn't make it better due to them mostly getting banned.

  5. Well the new Summoner's Rift looks amazing, and somehow I get better fps on it. What is this dark magic?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J


      Dota was an exteeeension of Warcraft :p

    3. Sythan


      Watch this for origin:

    4. susitsu


      Can't wait to get to play this in ranked.

  6. What even was wrong? Suddenly development mode. o.O

    1. DecoLamb


      Dizzy managed to roll back an entire city [maybe more] back nearly two days without warning

  7. What happens if a ghost catches the plague?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hellfiazz


      They're made of spectral fire, and don't even have any organic stuff. I doubt you can infect magic fire.

    3. gam


      what happens if dread knights get the plague

    4. Gone


      Srry for late response, I meant like people who are playing ghosts though. Does the plugin somehow not let them get it? Or should any ghost player who has it pop up just ignore it?

  8. What's the point of gates if people are just going to parkour their way into the town when they are closed?

  9. What's this about Iblees? Crashed during Setherian's speech just as he mentioned going to another world and can't reconnect :/

    1. Valon (Yokey)

      Valon (Yokey)

      The "Other world" was real life

  10. Why do people keep commenting on teaching applications? It's not needed (unless you're bringing a concern up) and making them messy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitto


      I guess it can be kinda to vouch for the level of RP that that person can bring, if so many people feel they can do it it's a good sign to allow teaching. Similarly to staff apps, sure it's not needed unless a big point is being brought up but it helps those who don't know them decide whether or not to grant it.

    3. H


      it's because they bother us on skype until we +1

    4. ShameJax


      eve did offer a little somethin somethin....

      im just kidding she didnt even msg me

  11. Worked on skin for couple hours last night, can't use it today. Dang it Mojang. At least the sounds are funny. xP

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