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Status Replies posted by Judas

  1. Big news, everyone! Working on a content release that will reintroduce an important LotC character from yonder days of old!

  2. -Never joined Reddit.- Too much like 4chania.

  3. I just need to remind everyone that raw toast is great.

  4. As King of the Drunks, I do declare that the Druids have too much power. Thus they must die.

  5. woop woop wargoth in town

    1. Judas


      This guy, you have earned my praise. You shall be Prince of the Drunks.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Can't reslove the host ip still...

    1. Judas


      Why? There's nothing on this server in the long run.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. I am better than you. @ The Ascended.

    1. Judas


      LOL, thanks for proving my point everyone.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. So wait, could I just make a language/culture on LoTC without lore approval?

    1. Judas


      You're full of it Blundermore, tell the man the truth.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Happy Holidays you adamant troupe of godless heathens.

  10. [Zarsies ~ Sprat A little bummed my villain app was denied, trying to fix it up :( Sep 03 2011 01:36 AM ]

    1. Judas


      <_< Okay, fine I was trying to prove a point.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. I hate when people make these "perfect" people and their weakness is their pride and anger ><. that not even a weakness nowadays.>

  12. I hate when people make these "perfect" people and their weakness is their pride and anger ><. that not even a weakness nowadays.>

  13. I hate when people make these "perfect" people and their weakness is their pride and anger ><. that not even a weakness nowadays.>

  14. I hate when people make these "perfect" people and their weakness is their pride and anger ><. that not even a weakness nowadays.>

  15. [Zarsies ~ Sprat A little bummed my villain app was denied, trying to fix it up :( Sep 03 2011 01:36 AM ]

  16. I hate when people make these "perfect" people and their weakness is their pride and anger ><. that not even a weakness nowadays.>

  17. epic frat battles of history

  18. Sorry for the issues folks, Still working on repairing nexus. Give us a moment!

  19. Don't PM me about reading your application.

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