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Status Updates posted by overlord2305

  1. Dear GMs, Maybe instead of having fun while the server is down take the first plane to the host and build a generator to power the server or something. I am deeply offended by this lazyness, you should all be court marshalled.

  2. Just connected to the midget ts by accident, oops.

  3. Quick, someone find the GM's temp server Ip so we can go gank them on mass

  4. All Zootopians are cheaters and they lost

  5. One....more....turn...

  6. Jusr saw who you are

  7. Server downtime update pl0x

  8. Thomas can't make us get air! *slowly suffocates*

  9. Update on server downtime?

  10. Could either of the two people I was rping with before the restart pm me. we were picnicking. 

  11. Theres this guy who's son you should talk about @End Yourself

  12. Well look who we have here

  13. Gus is still the best admin

  14. I say becky killed it

  15. OI like that robert

  16. How do I dislike a thread

  17. *poke* your background thingy is real perty

  18. I think I remember you

  19. Romeo and the lonely girl 
    They seemed to hit it off

  20. *slow poke*


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