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About ItsMyWorld66

  • Birthday December 3

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    Damien Menrow
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  1. This is bullshit! The “Upper Management” not only stomped all over the Event that so many players were happy and excited over, but at the end we get a bullshit ending that was scripted and the ONE GOOD THING that people were happy with they voided. What the hell?!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ReveredOwl


      In other words, feedback noted.

    3. Ryloth


      Let’s not forget the players actually upset with the event – not everyone enjoyed it. I wasn’t even there and I didn’t like it, neither did many people who attended. It was classic lorebreak and powerplay at large, and unfortunately that is due to a failure of multiple staff members after being thrown Mystery’s project. It was not simply a fault of the ST actors who brazenly ignored Kha/Metztli/Valaen lore or performed god-awful actions in what is the finale to a historical event chain, but also a failure of administration and many other people. I blame Mystery’s blacklist for this issue, personally.

    4. AlphaMoist


      As Ryloth stated, the entire reason the event and its issues came to my attention was because players were complaining about it. There are plans to redo the event entirely, but you have to remember that just because you enjoyed what occurred doesn’t mean everyone else did, and there are a lot of players who are overall happy with the void. I apologize you are upset with it, and my only hope I can have is that the ET make up for it in the future. 

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