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Everything posted by thesmellypocket

  1. ‘And Mary said: my soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my saviour.’ (Luke 1:46-7) PAPAL DECREES To our Brothers in LEON, Apostolic Greetings... We have received with fondness your most wonderful gift and greetings. Your intention to found a Christian kingdom is pleasing to us, and, for the maintenance for the Faith in Hispania, you are central to our plans. We therefore pledge to raise the Bishop of Leon to the Archbishopric, as a symbol of our continued fraternal love, and a sign of your legitimacy in these troubled times. PAPA URBANVS II ON USURY: To the Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy and all the Faithful... Dearly beloved, we write by Apostolic decree to condemn utterly all forms of Usury. We hold that the Church has always held Usury as a grave sin, and any man who practises it endangers his immortal soul. Therefore, it is our position that no Christian can practise Usury without incurring mortal sin, whilst any Jew, Jewess or other Heathen found practising Usury should also be expelled from Christian countries. PAPA URBANVS II ON THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH: Dearly beloved, the faithful English who were so readily brought into the fold by our predecessor, Pope Gregory the Great, are asked and entreated to train missionaries for the conversion of Germania and Scandinavia. Those who venture this perilous journey will surely risk their lives, but ‘...He that shall lose his life for my sake, shall find’ (Matthew 16:25), as the Lord himself assures them. To this effect, we ask the Bishops of Lichfield, Exeter and Canterbury to produce that flood of missionaries necessary for the conversion of their neighbours. To this, we commit a mighty sum, for the spreading of the Gospel is our mission. (Matthew 28:19.) PAPA URBANVS II. SUMMARISED. -Urban II raises the Bishop of Leon to the Archbishopric, a clear Papal sign of recognition. -Usury is condemned for both Christians and Heathens, and Christian rulers are ordered to punish and expel those who practise it, whatever their faith. -The Dioceses of England, known for the quality of their missionaries, are asked to produce more and given the resources to do so. Urban II also chooses England because, as he was trained and ministered there, he knows where to assign the money and resources: he knows which Bishops are more reliable, and how the system works.
  2. Applying For: Unam, Sanctam, Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam. Brief History: After Pentecost, and after God had invested Saint Peter with the power to bind and loose whatsoever he wilt, the Apostles and Church Fathers after them went in all directions. Saint Peter and Paul were martyred by the Roman Republic, where the former had established the See of Peter in order to be a ‘middle point’ toward the eastern churches of Egypt, Greece and Ionia, and the great Frankish church. Over the next few hundred years the Christians received varying levels of acceptance, from toleration in some places, to intense persecution in others. But the church overcame, and converted much of Italy, Greece, most of Ionia, Francia, Iberia, Egypt, Libya, Africa and, recently, the peoples that are called ‘Anglici:’ the English. In the Year of Our Lord 700, Pope Urban II takes the throne, himself an Anglo Saxon, from a generation of priests converted by St. Augustine of Canterbury. His main goal is to spread and propagate the Faith at all costs. Leader: Pope Urban II Discord: You have it
  3. Sorry for the lower-effort MP than usual: EVENTS: ‘AT LAST’ ‘Three messages, Your Majesty,’ a messenger informed the inept Charles II. After last year’s victories in the Netherlands, he was hopeful. What was said next confirmed that feeling. ’Your wife’s pregnancy has been entirely safe.’ ‘Rejoice!’ Spluttered Charles in answer. ’The child is healthy and strong.’ ‘Rejoice!’ ’She is also a girl.’ ‘Rejo-wait, no! No cause for rejoicing!’ After news that Theodora would have a baby sister, it appears that Charles II is doomed to die without a definite heir. Plans must be made to secure Spain’s future in the now almost inevitable eventuality of Charles dying without a son. In the court, factions schemed and plotted already about what to do in the inevitably disputed succession that would come, one day. OTHER EVENTS -In BRITTANY, in a dispute over taxation, a French merchant murders a bailiff attempting to collect from him. As a result, the city of Brest is flung into riots. French merchants are driven out in violent fashion. There is outrage in Paris. -King Pedro II, on the other hand, rejoices fully to find he has a healthy baby boy. -A SHOCKING assassination attempt on Princess Alexandra fails in Glasgow. A Presbyterian radical, armed with a bandoleer of flintlock pistols, was somehow able to openly wear the weapons and get in range of the Princess whilst in a crowd, about to announce plans for new shipyards. He fired the first bullet, wounding her, but was bayoneted and killed by a redcoat before he could get off anymore. The Princess made a full recovery, and was found to be in exceptionally high spirits during the whole affair, more determined than ever to continue her work. -See VENETIAN post for ITALIAN COALITION forming. -In the Ottoman Empire, discontent grows over the Venetian trade. Ottoman merchants are being utterly out-competed by their Venetian counterparts, whilst several key towns are expected to become destitute over the next decade on the Asia Minor seaboard. -DUTCH WAR: tbd -RUSSO-TURKISH WAR: tbd -WARS IN GENERAL: tbd MOD RESPONSES Suqur Allah -Usama is made a clear example of, and the Emir praises the Suqur Allah for their discipline and virtue. He apologises for accusing them wrongly, and, in a show of goodwill, releases twenty more doctors to the band’s service. -It seems the men have already reached a great level of discipline and skill, and so the training has little effect. -Disaster! 2 cannon are destroyed, 5 men killed, 6 wounded beyond healing, and 5 tended to by the new doctors back to fighting condition, due to a firing mistake. The premature explosion makes the cannon crews more nervous and they seem to be much less well-coordinated. -The soldiers buy the wool in Damascus, and sell it for a premium on their way to North Africa at Sinai. They make a large profit; enough to buy many muskets. -As the Suqur are forced to ship out to Africa, the advantages of their new connections are lost. -One Imam, known as The Firebrand, a very popular man, begins to take issue with being shipped out to Africa. ‘We should be fighting the Russians! The Sultan has sent us out to do menial work. Why are we making rugs? We should be in battle!’ He gets a lot of sympathy from the men, with only their good discipline preventing them from openly grumbling about it. Even that may falter. -The Suqur Allah find themselves with an abundance of supplies for their next campaign. -The men begin to build more advanced things, including tunnels. -Even with the new money made from the rug-trade, the Suqur just cannot compete with the nobility, who can offer higher pay for doctors. This turn, only the 20 given to them by the Emir join up. -With the new money, the cannon are bought. -The new business is set up and is expected to generate a profit within two years. -The Suqur Allah become popular with Christians as a result of their actions. -See first sentence. -No siege engineers are available. They all see to be working for the government, and already bought out. -750 men of the expected 1,500 turn up. Aware that they are sent to Africa, few seem to want to join, instead volunteering for the army where they can fight in the real war. -They cannot seem to increase the range; it seems they have reached the maximum. -Noted. -The new messenger system is a success, ensuring a fast alert for the Ottoman forces. -The new recruits are quickly and successfully trained. -The North AFrican army have plenty of enough food and water. -The sale is successfully made. -Ammunition is saved. Brittany -The Breton army continues to grow in efficiency and training. -Sapper training goes smoothly. -New engineers fail to make the constructions any more speedy. -Ideas for a Breton uniform do not go down well. The army, many of whom are former militiamen, like to wear their own clothes. The idea of uniforms causes dissent in the army, and in the heat of this, the new flagpoles largely go unnoticed. -The new Red Cross has little effect. There seem to be few trained doctors in the country, because it seems most French Catholic doctors went to Calais, because the English offered them greater wages. -Several key scientists and thinkers are attracted to Brittany, impressed by Duke Leo’s interest in the arts and sciences. Brandenburg -Prussia begins to stock up successfully on small arms and ammunition. She has now muskets and ammunition stocked for a further 5,000 men. -The Prussians strike gold as a new manufacturing firm opens up in Berlin, manufacturing 15 further cannon for B-P at little cost. Sweden -New incentives quickly inspire the infantry to work hard on their reload speed. As a result, 4 new ‘Guard’ regiments are made: 4,000 men in total. They quickly become elite, composed of the best troops in the Swedish infantry, and known as the best in Europe. -The Swedish artillery’s famous fire rate is maintained, but hardly increased. -This new re-structuring of the cavalry is well-received in military circles, and proceeds smoothly. The new dragoons are raised without incident, and quickly get a sense that they are the ‘cutting edge’ of the Swedish army. ‘First in the field and the last out of it’ becomes their unofficial motto. -The 4 new frigates are successfully finished by the end of the year, with refits proving extremely successful. Karl gains the nickname ‘The Refitter’ in the navy, because he takes a personal interest in the matter, and quickly finds ingenious ways to increase armaments at a low cost. The refits will be complete by 1688. -The new heavier ships prove to be moderate successes, somewhat better than any current designs. However, they still form a third place behind British and Spanish designs. Admirals doubt whether these ships can out-manoeuvre and outfight their rivals. -Through a terrible campaign, and, due to the excessive force available, the tribes flee or are brought to heel, one-by-one. During a famous last stand, a company of 100 Company infantry, known as Karl Company, is caught in the middle of the tribal army, numbering thousands. Their stand against the odds excites European interest once the tales reach European shores, and the heroic loss inspires the other Company troops to press on, decimating the locals in the Battle of Karlstad. Venice -Whilst it seemed most of the Italian states were keen to oversee the Venetian aggression, thinking it an isolated incident, the demands on Tuscany and Lucca prompt an instant and unified response. Savoy, Genoa, Tuscany, Lucca, and Mantua join the anti-Venetian coalition, whilst the Papacy offer moral support, ordering Venice to stop her ‘warmongering’ and promising ‘severe consequences’ should she refuse to back down from the demands. Even the Spanish King, Charles II is warned to watch the situation closely, and to treat Venice with caution. Emboldened by this widespread support, Tuscany rejects the demands. The Council of Ten, alarmed by the coalition amassing against them, order the return of the Venetian army and the ending by Giustinian of any more foreign expeditions. The people are jingoistic, buoyed by their victory at Modena, and eager to press forward, with the Doge greeted by throngs of jubilant onlookers in every street. -The locals of Modena do not, it is found, take kindly to their Venetian occupiers. The local nobles, stripped of much of their wealth and patronage by the invaders, are completely outraged, and are supported in that by the common man. In one instance, a Venetian ‘foraging’ party attacks a Modenese village with sickening brutality, committing all man of atrocities. (This partly, as well as due to the threat of Venetian power, prompted the Pope to act) This survives deep in the memory of the Modenese peasant and burgher alike, and it is speculated by some more intelligent men that the situation will not last, with rebellion/insurgency expected. By these methods, the Venetian army successfully keeps herself supplied – and more than well-paid for her efforts. -New troops and ships sent to Crete seem to calm the island, at least temporarily. Grumbles of open dissent are still to be seen and heard, with little the authorities can do against so universal an action, but any risk of further trouble is averted. -The reformist agenda hits a stumbling block. The anti-reformists quickly band together, whilst the reformists and divided by the issue of the affairs in Tuscany. Whilst not technically the issue at hand, they do sow bitter blood between the reformists, who divided further into the pro and anti Doge factions. Therefore, any concessions they gain are limited – and do little to improve the things they wish for. -As mentioned, the Venetian public are buoyant, and the common man seems to get behind the Doge in these times. The city is prospering, and different sections of society are benefiting, even if the proceeds overwhelmingly go to the merchant class profiting from the Ottoman trade. Portugal -After a year of fruitless negotiation, the king finally makes progress, with the Oportonites slowly gaining more ground. By the end of the year, they have a narrow primacy over the navy that can, with formal royal support, be allowed to dominate naval affairs, and push the navy forward. Reports steadily push toward imitating the British model in everything. -The expedition to the Cape Verde peninsula is a stunning success. Establishing prosperous relations with the natives, slaves and ivory are traded at a mighty profit. Noblemen and merchants in Portugal quickly rush to back further colonial projects, and this is seen as proof that Portugal is capable of handling an Empire. -The companies reject partial ownership of the crown, preferring to keep their own independence. They continue to do well. China -The 10,000 troops are raised, elite and loyal. Well equipped and professional. Too loyal, as it turns out. Tired from the obscure tactics of the warlords, one of the new yeomen fighters gets into a brawl with a nobleman. In the end, a mini turf war ensues, with shots fired. Only the intervention of government officials prevents further escalation. Further tension between the new soldier-settlers and the locals is expected. -After all the troubles with the local warlords, a damning report issued by a magistrate and sent to the Emperor personally gives one conclusion: the issue was never with the warlords, but with the magistrates themselves. Their arrogant and over-zealous behaviour, shortly after a war, did not do them any favours, whilst the new banner army reflects this, with 10,000 troops arrogantly plonked in inconvenient places by magistrates to deliberately get the ire of the petty lords. This rivalry, it is found, does not go away. -Expanded shipyards progress well, and seem to instantly improve on the originals by the end of the year. This gives fresh prospects of better designs in future years. -The trade proves indeed prosperous, but plans for coastal forts have difficulty in their implementation. Building forts so far away from home is found to be difficult, with the Ottoman advisors having difficulty in working with the Chinese, as Qing officers have difficulty in seeing things from their western point of view. In the end, only a few of the promised forts are constructed, and little is achieved by them being built. -The silk road patrol successfully secures the route, purging many bandit bands from the region, whilst also giving the cavalry vital experience. -The military observers bring back vital information from the Battle of Krovaviy Hill, among others. They learn much about the western way of war, with some beginning to wonder as to its superiority. The infantry advance of the Janisarries particularly affects observers, leading one to comment: ‘they are not bad, these Turks.’ GB -Negotiations begin, but exemptions from the Christian Ban are found to be more difficult to secure than expected. With the bad blood from persecution of Catholics and the resulting rebellions still fresh in the mind of many, it is a bitter pill to swallow. The negotiations drag on for a year with little result. -The HEIC in Bengal set up their colony, whilst has little effect on the Company or her fortunes, or British control of the region. The local Nawabs and their allies still control the vast bulk of territory and manpower outside of the British ports. The new men are successfully recruited. -Glasgow seems reluctant to convert, with but a few dozen won over to the Church. Meanwhile, the incident temporarily indisposed the princess, causing her to have to temporarily cease, although she will return more determined and popular than ever. -The new shipyards, and Calais’ in particular, prove a moderate success. Calais gets a chance to put his ambitious theories to the test, it proving an important learning curve for him, in which he makes many mistakes. This is largely what holds the project back and prevents it from being a larger triumph, but Hammond encourages this experimentation in order to engender hard-won experience in his bright pupil. -Trade with the natives is quickly expanded, drawing fresh profits for the colony and attracting new settlers. -The Japanese are more open to discussing trade, with the Emperor, and indeed, the country, flattered by the British gifts. It seems the merchant has won the heart of the Japanese man, in some ways ‘going native.’ Negotiations for a permanent arrangement are expected to drag on for another year, however. -The second St. Lawrence mission is a success, inspiring European hearts and seeming to inspire a new fervour for trade and exploitation of the region. The number of settlers in the northern parts of British America is marked by a heavy increase. Commonwealth -The nobles get the impression that they are being spied on, and speak very little of any use. -The new military academy is an embarrassing flop. Riddled with corruption and favouritism, the powerful magnates quickly co-opt the project, sending their own sons, however incompetent, to be trained. Run by over-prestigious dimwits, the academy sows great confusion among the officer class. Savoy -The system of intendants is a success. Adminstration quickly becomes more centralised, more effective and more prosperous, proving a boon for the royal treasury. Spain -See article. -This new targeted sponsorship campaign is successful in garnering loyalty among large sections of the Catholic population. But it will be some years before the effects will be fully realised. It is a much needed boon to a country threatened by war, with relief provided to many. -The Californian expedition is a stunning success. Large numbers of the natives are converted in a very short period, whilst California is found to be continuous: part of the American continent. Suitable land for a colony is found at San Francisco. -After an initial honeymoon with the gifts, relations with local kings in Madagascar are found to be difficult. A small outpost is established, but many of the settlers and soldiers died of disease along the way, greatly weakening the outpost. Forced to adopt caution, contact with natives becomes limited, whilst the outpost becomes a footnote. -The ship sails through the bountiful East Indies, emerging on the other side (Will send route.) -Hopes of replacing the pike in 5 years are found to be too over-ambitious: many of the new officer class are still young and lack authority. The pike is expected to be phased out in 8 years. -New siege techniques greatly increase the speed the Spanish can breach the walls, launch a surprise attack, or block off supply routes. Tilly gains the nickname ‘Poliorcetes’ or ‘THe Besieger’ for his new tactics, which gain fame across Europe. -With the focus on offensive and the matter at hand, fort designs are less successful. However, some minor improvements are made. -New shipyards are a success. The cost of reforming the army and the ongoing war makes these improvements relatively minor.
  4. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T50ju8LmSK7XTkwzOCeioHNCXqAFde0blLFfPZZMu0U/edit
  5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jqyXEwK2GcA3mATJB_XhHnzlWuiw8acGmEau1S8xHho/edit
  6. RP posts below. A turn is 6 months; we begin in 1684. I have no preference to whether you wish to post on the forum, or linking a doc in your post instead – I myself will do modposts in the latter format. NOTICE: I will be on holiday next week (For 5 days), so post for this weekend, and we might scrape a turn before then. Posts and turns will be weekly; modposts will be on Sunday. Good luck.
  7. All accepted I need your number so I can add you. Your 4 digit discord number.
  8. All accepted Sent you a friend request m8
  9. On New Year’s Day, 1511, a boy was born on the banks of the Thames who would change the course of history. History would call him Saint Henry IX of England; Henry the Great. Born the son of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, he would utterly overshadow his father, establish his power across the British Isles, and, above all, make England’s Catholic faith firm. But across the channel in France, another development was taking place that would be similarly momentous. The growth of Protestantism meant that, by 1589 and under Henry IV, France would emerge with an aggressive brand of Calvinism. In 1620 tensions between the two religious camps in Europe exploded in the ‘Great Religious War’ (1620-42) in which Hapsburg Spain, Austria, England and a multitude of Catholic powers shattered the power of France. But Spain emerged much weaker from the war than she had anticipated. In the following decades, the rising power of Britain has challenged Spanish power, and, in 1680, in a shocking reversal, the Anglo-Spanish alliance officially came to an end. Now, a fierce battle for hegemony lies ahead, but the nature of that battle is not yet clear. Will Britain and Spain reconcile their differences after all? Will there be another great war to wreck the continent? Will Protestant France and Sweden re-emerge as a phoenix rising from the ashes? There are many possibilities in... ...THE UNEASY PEACE. (Big credit to Raul Fernandez for the map!) -My summary of the events leaves out a good deal of detail. For some more, see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EWuHniQr1qyLIZUV6ZEzKf81ULYQgWcjR0rq8TM87o4/edit Data and info on the armies (Still partly incomplete) can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SbRzlQA8O_eOrqgXTCFkMG1Pj_8-cd7NQGYASYvg_ps/edit RULES: -Every turn represents half a year. We begin in early 1684. -The obvious stuff. No meta-gaming, etc. -Remember – it is only a game! -Feel free to correct me if you think I have erred in anything. APP: Nation: Leader (With brief description of circumstances/personality): Heir (If any:) Discord: RESERVED (Unfortunately, most are already taken): Britain Ottomans Venice Austria/HRE Spain Qing Papacy Brandenburg-Prussia Sweden France Ottomans Dutch Rebels Portugal SUGGESTED and OPEN: Russia Commonwealth Brittany Denmark-Norway
  10. OOC note: sorry for my inactivity of late, I have exams. Rest assured, I will return.
  11. St. Jude’s Grammar School Est. 1715 ‘PER ARDUA AD ALTA.’ SANCTE IUDA, ORA PRO NOBIS! St. Jude’s Grammar School is an organisation meant for the pious teaching of all people (Of all ages) in literacy, theology, history and Flexio, and is maintained by the Monks of the Order of St. Jude in Leuven. As part of the Order of St. Jude’s many works of Charity (Caritas), attendance is entirely free: the school is entirely reliant on donations to keep it going. Our dream is to teach all alike, regardless of class, and for noble and serf to learn, side-by-side, for the betterment of both, and the advancement of true religion. ORDER OF LESSONS Literacy Literacy is mostly taught through individual tutorship, so there are no formal lessons, as yet. This can be done with increased demand. The reason for the individual nature of the teaching is so that the pupil can learn most quickly: he therefore can be quickly brought ‘up to speed’ and can join the other lessons. Flexio Flexio is not only the language of the Church, but also of the labyrinth of Imperial Government. It is perhaps not necessary, but certainly very recommend, for all to study, to at least some degree, this ancient and important language. History Time, like a flood of water, descends upon all things most excellent and worthy of memory, and devours them. The historian is the sole bulwark against this ruin. History is probably the least consistently taught, with no set course, but occasional, individual lessons. This is partly because a good deal of history is covered in Saints’ Lives, which are under Theology. Theology As Monks, we, first and foremost, fear God. ‘The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom’ is a most wise proverb, and that is why we teach those things that are important to know to laymen. The topics are simple: A Saint’s life, a theological virtue, or a single sermon. Theological lessons are the only ones in which the ‘Extended Form’ of prayer is utilised, although that only on rare occasions. St Edmond, as depicted in the Ruskan Church. PRAYER AND PATRON SAINTS St. Jude the Monk St. Jude is the Holy Father and Patron of our Order. A converter of vast swathes heathens and heretics, a towering scholar, and a man of tremendous fervour, the legacy of this star of the Church can be seen in the rule of the Order he founded. St. Kristoff of Haenseti Among the two co-patrons of our School is St. Kristoff. A martyr for truth and justice, as well as a wise and marvelous teacher, whilst St. Jude is the father of our Order, the monastery building itself is under the patronage of St. Kristoff. St. Catherine of Felsen St. Catherine embodies our bond of charity with the wider community. Her heroic virtue saw her stick to the truth in all things, and her simple piety was the relief of many of the urban poor and uneducated. This pure and innocent virgin also represents our commitment to celibacy, and chastity, in the case of the pupils. Prayer Each lesson begins with prayer. A few lessons have an extended set of prayers proscribed, but most lessons are more brief and simple on these matters. Our three patron Saints are invoked, and several prayers said or sung, often in Common and sometimes in Flexio. Order of Prayer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GV7y-ZJ5NYjnLNpZDpy20GNtLzJofqVTtCTuZbc-VcM/edit TO ATTEND CONTACT Frederick Kristoff, Novice of the Order of St. Jude. ((Discord: Thesmellypocket #3901, IGN: Thesmellypocket)) NOTE: While the monastery building is yet to be built, lessons will take place anywhere that can be found.
  12. Judas was paid! Judas was paid! I am making a sacrifice!
  13. U S S R Division of Labour As Poliorcetes’ rule continues, it becomes clear he is not the man he once was. Whilst in Moscow and on Earth his word is supreme, elsewhere in the Solar System and in the Armed Forces it is Kukov’s word that counts. Kukov is the only force that keeps Poliorcetes in check. Droning years of senseless flattery have assailed the General Secretary’s brain, and it turned into a mush of madness. Kukov is the only man with the courage to speak plainly to his Leader: other men would fear reprisal – to be labelled ‘counter-revolutionary’ by the KGB and tossed into a maelstrom of torture and malice. But Kukov knows that his Secretary would never do it to him, so he speaks plainly, and speaks sense to the man nominally his superior. Rumours even emerge in anti-Soviet newspapers that Poliorcetes believes himself to be a God – like the famous Demetrius the Besieger himself. But these rumours are untrue, because Kukov keeps a hold on Poliorcetes’ increasingly tenuous sanity. Kukov is, in many ways, a normal man. He is intelligent, yes, but not a genius. What he does have is the ability to command respect and loyalty from others, and an ability to delegate, allowing others to realise their full potential. The unhinged and confusing leadership of Poliorcetes, and the ultra-competent and exceptional leadership of Kukov seem to contrast: as the years wear on, the civilian sphere starts to fall behind technologically and doctrinaly, whilst the military sphere seems to be flourishing. Kukov embraces bold new technologies and doctrines, whilst the intelligent are driven toward a military career, instead of the poisoned flattery of the civil service or the ill-funded stupidity of civilian technological research. Back to the Drawing Board Soviet military scientists attempt to improve their new cruiser by compromising some of the vessel’s extreme speed with reinforced armour. To ensure equipment failures are kept to a minimum, even once the cruisers enter active service, extra field engineers are attached to them, so that they can quickly weed out any flaws that appear post-construction. With this improved design, the 301 cruisers are hoped to begin construction. International Propaganda Division(s)! Soviet strategists spy the potential of revolt in undermining a potential enemy. There is only one problem to be found in the Soviets attempting to take advantage of popular upheaval as a weapon... ...In the increasingly bipolar world of Soviet Russia, there quickly arise not one, but two ’International Propaganda Divisions.’ The first, based in Moscow and under the firm control of Poliorcetes’ KGB, is called the Division of International Propaganda. Its task is to undermine enemy regimes through the dispersal of pro-Soviet propaganda, or at least anti-imperialist. The second, under the army and Kukov, is called The International Propaganda Division, and has the exact same task. With the way things are in the USSR at the minute, the DIP has control over Earth and Moscow, whilst the IPD commands the power of the Armed Forces and interstellar power. ACTIONS -Division between Poliorcetes’ circle and Kukov emerges. -Improved cruiser design. -TWO efforts at international propaganda.
  14. U S S R Rearmament In response to the re-arming of other Empires and the claims of the British, the USSR embarks on a programme of National Rearmament. A new class of Cruiser is ordered to be created, to match the new French equivalent. It is to carry and take advantage of those engine and communications improvements that should make it vastly faster than any other ship of its kind, whilst retaining an awesome broadside. The French plan is to construct three hundred of their new class: in what is obviously a direct response, the Soviets plan for the construction of three hundred – and one! This is called the Gregory-Class. Other Soviet ships are also fitted with these new engines or modified, making the Soviet fleet by far the fastest in the Solar System; the new engines, despite their brilliance, are relatively cheap and easy to manufacture, meaning they can be made standard issue without too much hassle. Communications technology is also implemented. In addition, joint exercises are held with the German Empire’s navy, putting into practice Soviet theory about patrols and independent action. Not only are joint anti-piracy patrols and actions launched in unison, but leaders from both countries’ military-industrial complexes gather at Minsk to discuss a deal that will see needed strategic goods exchanged for the benefit of Germany and the USSR. Finally, the Soviets send two expeditions to attempt to expand their influence to what were previously considered out-of-reach planets. Firstly, a military base and small colony is set up at Halimede, a moon of Neptune. Secondly, Atlas, one of Saturn’s moon is similarly colonised. The Soviets assert their control of these moons, which are fitted with the new communications technology. These bases, although having a small civilian or colonial presence, are meant to be almost entirely defensive in nature. They are massively reinforced. Soviet theorists think that, as the lone presence of Malta as a British island irritated the Axis in the Mediterranean, so a very heavily fortified Soviet presence could act similarly. Infiltration! Religion is the opiate of the people. In a secret meeting in Moscow, Poliorcetes tasks the KGB with undermining the greatest existent religious institution – the Catholic Church. Marxist forms of theology, labelled ‘Liberation Theology’ are sponsored, whilst clerical power is attacked. The Soviets launch a long-term plan to infiltrate the Church with priests, bishops and eventually cardinals – and perhaps a Pope – by getting these priests in on the pretence of ‘modernising the Church.’ ACTIONS -Gregory-Class commissioned. 301 built. -Engine and communications tech, vastly superior to other empires’, is implemented. -Joint anti-piracy operations and exercises with the Germans; exchange of strategic resources. -Two colonies – naval bases – set up. -KGB attempt to infiltrate the Catholic Church!
  15. THE HOLY SEE ’Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world.’ (John 18:36.) THE UNIVERSAL HEAD In reaction to the attacks on Christians by the Young Turks, the Pope gives an immediate and powerful response. The Papacy sets up many shanty towns for refuge in Syria and Lebanon to which Christian refugees in Anatolia can temporarily flood into. An immense effort and sacrifice is put into this. The Pope’s continued message of Church Unity rings through, with Eastern and Western Christians alike given shelter and aid by the Church. But, amazingly, the Holy Father does not stop there. If he is to be seen as Universal Head of Christendom, he must seal that by direct action. For a month, the Council at Nicaea is given a temporary recess. In that time, the Pope races to Syria himself to visit the refugee camps and give help to the afflicted. By taking only half a dozen Swiss guardsmen, he puts himself in immense danger, and is practically an open target for Young Turks and other fanatics. But he continues to visit the camps: preaching, supporting and blessing. It is hoped this singular act of sheer courage will convince the world that the Pope is very, very serious on this matter, and that the Orthodox will begin to see him as the Head and Protector of Christendom. Assuming the Pope returns, he re-convenes the Council, pressing further for a mending of the Schism. The Pope also re-iterates his will for Christians to support the Caliph’s war on terror. ‘Only together can we combat this scourge; this evil cabal of men murdering innocent blood.’ ’This is my body, which is given for you.’ (Luke 22:19) MISSIONARY WORK With much of the Church’s resources engaged in combating the persecution in the East or the crisis in the West, the Pope has but little for his planned missionary expedition to Japan. However, a fervent heart and an iron will could achieve much, Innocent reckoned. Several missions are dispatched to Japan to begin converting the local populace and administering the Sacraments. Small, humble chapels are set up for now. In addition, these Japanese missions include one to Korea, and several to China as well. It is hoped these countries will be more open to conversion efforts. ACTIONS -Pope goes full madman and goes into the warzone himself to help set up refugee camps. -Council of Nicaea continues, in the light of the persecution and of the Pope’s courage. -Several missions to Japan and China; one to Korea. -Charity and aid work done by the lay movements set up by the Pope over the previous year and a half continue their work.
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