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Status Updates posted by Mabah

  1. Someone bought my username! It has been changed to Yuqu.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elfen_


      Like irl money? 


      I mean Im not questioning the legitness of it. Im sure there is people who really want a certain username and will be willing to give money in return for the username.


      Sounds like a lengthy process though. Gotta have the person name change so who knows how long ago that was hopefully the month is up. Then you gotta wait a month and like 7days to even claim the username. Which means you gotta pay attention to the availability. 

    3. Mabah


      Ehh, all I had to do is change my username and get the money. It is not very common in Minecraft though. I have seen it done a lot with Consoles.

    4. SaltAlt
  2. If someone were to give another person their minecraft account permanently, what would the process of that be like for the server? Would they lose any VIP ranks purchased?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mabah


      Yes, well I no longer have interest in Minecraft, but I donated 500 dollars to the server. I know of a player not whitelisted who still enjoys the game and whom I am willing to give my account to. Would Tythus or one of the specific administrators be better to contact?

    3. Zacho


      Yeah, i recommend contacting Tarrebear about it.

    4. Sporadic


      We’d ban your account because its against Mojang EULA and servers that break Mojang EULA get blacklisted.

      In reality we wouldn’t ban you cuz I don’t care but Mojang might. Probably won’t. But might.d

  3. Hello LoTC Roleplayers! I am Vxntage.

    I am looking for a new persona! I need some interesting

    and exciting rp! Please respond if you have a interesting rp

    1. Mabah


      position  for me to fill.

    2. Moochael


      Us halfling are always looking for new friends c:

  4. what version is lotc on? 1.12.2 or 1.12.1?

  5. Anybody need a character played for them?

    1. Mabah


      Preferably a child.

  6. Anyone else being disconnected from LoTC a lot today?

    1. Weabootrash


      ive been all good

  7. Oh 103 Posts, Woohoo!

    1. Argontum


      Oh 289 Posts, Woohoo!

  8. O my Server, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my pvp because of Thy just downtime, but most of all because they are against the rules, my Server, Who art all-good and deserving of all my life. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy staff , to pvp no more and to avoid the near occasions of pvp. Amen.

  9. Happy birthday man!

    1. z3m0s


      omfg I didn't see this until now arrrrh <3 <3 <3 

  10. XD 204 views on my magic application but no staff answer on if it was denied or accepted.

  11. My Lord of the Craft Join 1 Year Anniversary is on 5/08/2016!!!

  12. i vote anti-kowa

  13. Best Warzone!


  14. "Snowflakes" :inimical:They're white dots that fly around your screen. Probably just some little sprites.

  15. Happy birthday dad! :trololo:

  16. "You can take away our cav but you will never take our freedom!" 

    Free GGT

  17. woot woot dats da sound of da police

    woot woot


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