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The King Of The Moon

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  1. 'Man LoTC sucks you should quit like me because this community is awful' - man who 'left' LoTC to terminally browse the forums commenting on every post about staff 

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    2. monkeypoacher


      I think LoTC sucks as it is currently but I don't think it always sucked or will always suck. I think we should collectively make the server better. 


      @Laeonathanyou can't volunteer to make LoTC staff undo a bad decision, or really even join a team to fix an ongoing problem. Staff members complain all the time about not having the agency to make decisions that would better the server. I don't know what you mean by "actually do the work." The work isn't allowed to be done.

    3. Laeonathan


      Idk where you got that from. You certainly can't make decisions alone. There's gonna be another 20 people having a say as well. But here's the thing: If it turns out to be only your lonely opinion, it might be best to accept that nobody else likes your idea.


      Often issue are like "Well we would love to, if somebody would" - especially in tech team :P

    4. Adelemphii


      i like making things when i like to make things, but i hate making things when i hate to make things

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