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Status Replies posted by Ketchen

  1. I am the hero of the Dunamis Fort.

  2. seems like there's some people who wanna duke it out


  3. Thanks for the laugh.

  4. got banned, see u guys in a year!

  5. So Lotc is going to be trading the Old Veterans for 10 year olds? Hope its worth buds. Going to be 10/10 rp!

    1. Ketchen


      I'm not saying I'm a veteran, just someone who enjoys the server. The thing is having someone from youtube could be great for the community, but then you look at who it is, these youtubers won't be bringing even a semi mature audience. These are guys who play FNAF Cops and Robbers so these are just going to be little kids. I also find it funny how it seems to be only staff are agreeing with this decision, surely there is something behind it. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. So Lotc is going to be trading the Old Veterans for 10 year olds? Hope its worth buds. Going to be 10/10 rp!

    1. Ketchen


      As that may be, this is going to be a different breed. These are kids who are joining to meet youtubers and have no care in Rp.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. Dont you hate it when you want to life but responsibilities

  8. Any active-semi active towns with spare houses?

  9. I leave home today, and I ship out tomorrow morning!

    1. Ketchen


      Fun won't be the word but thanks everyone!


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Selling the prot glyph. Message me offers

    1. Ketchen


      Can't tell if bait or actual knowledge of the glyph

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Yo anyone that died to Maturation might want to hit up GMs. He is banned for alting and hacking, you might be able to get your stuff back.

  12. i'd like to see a battle between halflings and orcs

  13. So..what happened to the dwarves? I think I missed something....

  14. Ok, there is a tavern/pub that's next to the Crimsion Edict's base. if anyone knows who I must contact to gain ownership of the pub, my ears are open.

  15. Could someone tell me were a Bryophite could find a place were they are not rejected on sight. its really hard to roleplay when people don't even try.

    1. Ketchen


      If you meet me at the Dwarven Docks, I can take you to them ^_^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Could someone tell me were a Bryophite could find a place were they are not rejected on sight. its really hard to roleplay when people don't even try.

    1. Ketchen


      Hmm, they are kind of mercenaries but not really.. They are an order that stands for Racial Equality and Anti Slavery. Another thing is you do NOT have to fight if you don't want to but there is a life oath you take upon joining. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Could someone tell me were a Bryophite could find a place were they are not rejected on sight. its really hard to roleplay when people don't even try.

    1. Ketchen


      Actually I know just the place, The Crimson Edict accepts all so if you are interested, I could talk to one of them about taking you in. ^_^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Anyone else not able to log on?

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