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Status Replies posted by idiot

  1. Skullman because I can!


  2. When your mother doesn't feed you in 3 days and expects you to clean her underwear @Wiseacres

  3. When your mother doesn't feed you in 3 days and expects you to clean her underwear @Wiseacres

  4. So what's the mycelium wasteland about?



  5. So what's the mycelium wasteland about?



  6. what is the best times to get online for rping?

  7. I blame @FinalhazardΒ for any ongoing issue

  8. Jaeden's memes are the best.


  9. Well. Azariah has a pet rabbit now. :

  10. how does a kiddo get a bigger profile picture like the cool roleplayers

  11. Are there any Human kids? Wanna RP? Charlotte needs friends. kthnx.



  12. bip bap bop

  13. Does anyone need a character filled? I currently have nobody to play after returning to LotC so I need a character to main. I can RP just about anything, preferable male character.

  14. I am so bored and I have to spend another day in this hospital.



  15. Will do Character Art for Swedish Fish

    Kinda like this VVVVV (Can do different weather or backgrounds (I just REALLY like snow)Β but they will be "blurred" because the showcase is yourΒ character)Β 


  16. Civil War was a great movie. 9.5/10 be sure to stay for the credits!

  17. May the 4th be with you.

  18. obscura___breaking_bones_by_demonessie-d

    new artartart

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