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Status Replies posted by idiot

  1. Are high elves that are high higher than sober high elves? 

  2. *catches the mace

  3. "Ahm sor'y? Wot di' ye' say? Ah cou'dn't 'ear ye' ova th' soun' o' ye' complainin' 'bou th' Inquisition."

    Best quote ever.

  4. Somebody close to me has passed away. This sucks... 

  5. Does Ice Cream exist in LoTC? If not. It should be :D

  6. I wasn't gonna make a death post out of fear of sounding anti Orenian but you can expect it coming in HOT [!]

  7. I wasn't gonna make a death post out of fear of sounding anti Orenian but you can expect it coming in HOT [!]

  8. I wasn't gonna make a death post out of fear of sounding anti Orenian but you can expect it coming in HOT [!]

  9. wtf dont rep him vvv

  10. Who's good at skinning, i'm tryin to get some savage armor for my orc

  11. #2 way to keep ur pixel wife from cucking you: include her in rp you scumbag

  12. Are snakes solid? :yay:

  13. Hi~ :) Y DID U LEAB MI??

  14. Last night I woke the **** up

  15. Redhead character buddy!

  16. Redhead character buddy!

  17. Redhead character buddy!

  18. Redhead character buddy!

  19. Has an assassination on a king/queen/emperor/any high up noble ever worked on this sever? Seems to me that there'd be too much meta for it to work, and if it did and was pulled off well that people would get salty over it or call it edgy, was curious and thought I might have an ask.

  20. where were you when the lotharians fell

  21. Chicken is on my mind.

  22. Chicken is on my mind.

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