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Status Replies posted by CharlesTheBalds

  1. Has a resolution been met with the staff regarding Monks?

  2. Buy horses from iMattyz Incorporated  ©

  3. LotC, how many of you were never around for the Aegis map? Reply below!

    1. CharlesTheBalds


      these statues are to express your mind freely.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. http://strawpoll.me/6530647


    If this gets 70 votes I'll legitimately remove him.

    1. CharlesTheBalds


      I don't know what would be the results on a vote for me .... hahahaha

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. http://strawpoll.me/6530647


    If this gets 70 votes I'll legitimately remove him.

  6. When you try to rp when your sick...

    Feels like your dying over and over..

  7. Oren is a silly meme

    1. CharlesTheBalds


      Oren is a nice name actually, better than Urguan. LET'S GET CRAZY

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)



    1. CharlesTheBalds


      Thanks for posting my song on your status update noobman

  9. LotC, what superlative would you give yourself? Reply below!

  10. I'd like to seriously apologies to anyone that was pugsied today, Charles the Bald somehow got access to my account and decided to pugsy. All the passwords should hopefully be changed on all my accounts now.

    1. CharlesTheBalds


      How I got accused of false things... wasn't even playing at this time

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. Would anyone be interested in a Starcraft-themed FRP?

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