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Posts posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. @Xarkly I love the plugin in honesty and cannot wait for the potential alchemy side of it, what I would like to see however is the following things:


    1. A system of implementation where Loreteam can make ‘custom’ items, alchemy in itself is not simply just herbs and although this is the botany, on the plugin side I was hoping that there could be a way for a loreteam to add certain symbols onto items e.g: During an event, a player harvests a rare organ of xyz creature of which represents fire and destruction, the member can then do a command like /addtrait fire destruction strong, from there it appends it ( such as in the python code written as \n print(“Fire (Destruction) : Strong”)). This can then be used later on in the alchemy side of the botany plugin meaning unique potions can be made / custom potions, if that isn’t possible then that’s p much fine it’s just a suggestion as it would be cool to have
    2. A list of all reagents that are currently implemented, I don’t want to swim at the bottom of the ocean for joker’s scum if it doesn’t even exist so can there be a way for us to see which ones have been added and which have not, that’s all ❤️

    That’s about it, the first one would be incredibly difficult I understand however it just seems cool, the 2nd one is just for ease of access and what-not, Ily Xarkles and this plugin is amazing so thanks to anyone who  helped make it ? 

  2. Ah that is fair then, hopefully people aren’t stupid and start making their own events at random times just to kill players they want, that’s an issue I could see arising however I do trust most nations to not be foolish, thanks for the response ? 

  3. @ScreamingDingo


    Why not make it so the rule is, they can have any creature of which is both mundane and provides no reward that a player could not create (e.g. A bandit has a special sword, albeit it’s just a fancy looking sabre with no extra effects)

    Examples of non-mundane:

    Voidal horrors, Inferis, golems...


    Examples of mundane:

    Things that are naturally existing perhaps a large portion from here:





    Another question would be allowing certain types of undead, like zombie and vodniks as they are merely...”brainzz” and don’t really confer any special benefit upon killing


    Other than that I love the idea and the allowance for Nations to have their own creative freedom!

  4. Madeline Regular


    Thania focuses on the aspects of community, we are a moderately sized group that usually orientate ourselves within Fenn albeit this is merely because of the tavern and manor and is not a restriction for adventure.



    Thania is very diverse, ranging from mages and warriors to scholars and orators. We, in Thania are mostly here because of friendship, the realms stretch out far and we enjoy making it just a little bit smaller by getting to know different faces with different stories, Thania, albeit not focusing on these topics, occasionally performs the following activities



    • Adventure: We sometimes head out into the wilderness to see any rare locations or creatures
    • Contracts: We have in the past and now hopefully in the future, done different contracts
    • Herb-lore: We sometimes head out to gather rare and special herbs which we utilise later, we also teach lifesaving facts about certain herbs and where/how to gather them
    • Magic: Some of us are old practitioners of magic, although we won’t openly give out the secrets of the arcane, it is possible that if we deem you close enough you may be lucky enough to obtain it
    • Orators: Thania has many smaller groups which focus on politics and law. Many of the most skills orators in our group have been involved in these things for most likely decades now
    • Blacksmith: A few others and myself are blacksmiths, we will be happy to show how to move metal and create sharp blades as a part of your learning
    • Book-club: We do own a substantial library which has many pieces of lore from a time before we even arrived on Atlas, such as the ancient druids on the island alongside other books present behind the closed doors.
    • Scholars: Thania looks at many things other groups don’t, we have done research into many rare and mysterious materials and we wish to do so further, we can also be willing to share our knowledge with individuals with good morality and intentions.
    • Barkeepers: Thania owns a tavern and we are always looking for new, exciting people to hire!





    Thania is also looking to recruit new faces, many, many new faces. The recruitment process isn’t too hard, it’s a form and then a small interview in some private areas in Fenn, to help find out what you wish to do, we have made some pre-formatted roles below




    • Mercenary: Called in every now and then to help with events, giving you more free-time than usual
    • Doctor: Learn about medicine and medicinal herbs, allowing you to either stay within Fenn and work there or operate away
    • Orator: Learn how to speak publicly and stress words of importance to help change the minds of the public, can stay in Fenn or work away
    • Blacksmith: Learn how to move metal and use a forge, usage of this is wherever an anvil may be
    • Scholar: Read up in the different libraries, try to expand Fenn’s library or Thania’s, learn a lot.
    • Tavern staff: Run a tavern and meet new faces or familiar ones, situated within Fenn most of the time



    Recruitment Form Below:



    Player Name




    Your Name:

    Your Race:

    Your Desired Position:


    By signing the contract you recognise that Thania is not a guild or a magic-school, it is a community to create lasting bonds of friendship and learn some things along the way.

    Sign Here:


    Thania wishes greatly for new applicants. If you have also been selected into smaller branches but wish to ascend and become a full Thanian, we will insist that you fulfil a form.




  5. @Tato I mean if you want to be a bit more specific so I can switch it up a little that’d be nice

    And like, as I said I am not and have never been a necro or dark creature, I was simply writing it with their ideas and stuff, I did say earlier that proof-reading is pretty helpful and if people could specify which areas, that’d be nice 

  6. It’s mostly just niches my good man @Fury_Fire you’re okay to have your own opinion but it’s mostly groups wanting to play their niche; demons, ghosts,  blood, all these niches are satisfied right now except undead so I’m trying to fill this niche for myself and many likeminded individuals


    I hope you can understand that although you can see it as a “event only magic” where could the line be drawn in that, all dark magics? All voidal magics and then deity magics?

  7. The Temple of Wyvrun


    One true structure to Fennic standards, of extreme beauty and almost angelic tranquillity, though it does sadden me, for you see.


    Our place of law, court, justice and trial is out of date, renewed unlike the recently refreshed city. It is this for which the Thanian Independence Team must strive to change, as a believer of law and justice we call for court to change the court, we call for the renewal, the rebirth and a following in the new appearance of Fennic standards, be it a new structure or integration into another, we call for renewal!




    It is why I plea ye, I call for a court meeting to be held in the near future, where the discussion of the following arrangements can be sorted:


    1. The Court of Fenn is either removed, all court meetings shall be moved to the Temple from thus on

    2. The Court of Fenn is rebuilt into a more grander structure to truly represent our great city’s wishes for equal trial

    3. The Court of Fenn is to have an allocated space within the temple for trials, such as small pedestals for witnesses and the accused

  8. Rn I’ve got:


    -Removed Darkhollows

    -Removed Ghouls

    -Resurrection has a very harsh cap of legit 2 people, Cultists aren’t even undead but get some nice abilities such as using LT approved items to literally stitch to themselves (which pushes for them to do rp and events to try and obtain these things, kind of like Frankenstein going around slaying dragons to stitch on a bit of dragon scale to their chest)

    -Curses are presented clearly with even things to help players know how long it is on for

    -Taint is mostly removed except for certain spells for local areas, no mass chunk tainting like on Atlas

    -No more clotting

    -Many more different utilities in it, and also many aesthetic possibilities, be it bone towers or darkstone homes

    -Reworked Undead; Liches & Darkstalkers merged, player chooses for magic to become the ‘lich’ + there are now a few utility abilities in it that I added just to help give them things to do, in my eyes they are sort of some people’s end goal, so once they finish that they could become that stereotypical lich hoarding away piles of silver and diamonds (maybe some gold but he’d probs put a cloth over that) and what-not

    -Clarified the idea of ‘weakness to aurum’ for people to understand

    -Phylacteries are now shown to LT and then if someone finds them and destroys it, the player finds out this and the LT also probs find out about this (e.g. ‘if found contact an LT if you are destroying it), this in turn is more forgiving as if it was some form of offline-raid and the undead comes back to find it destroyed, they can make a new one to help protect themselves, while also allowing them to be vulnerable to PK

    What I really want to do now is:


    -Improve some lore around undead, their aims and what-not to be more specific

    -Get proofreaders to just quote selected areas and say the issue not being very vague about it literally

    (quoted area) unspecific, doesn’t tell us xyz or redlines are abusable

    What I’ve just done (weaknesses for undead)

    • Bones are quite vulnerable to bludgeoning damage, they can crack and fracture, if a significant amount of the body is injured or destroyed (e.g. entire bottom torso is destroyed by a hunk of ice), the lifeforce within the bones will become unstable and the body will fall apart, this usually means most undead wear some form of covering even robes to help cover up their form, or wear armour (If they can that is) to stop them from dying

    • An undead with magic cannot wear even half plate as it would not really work for their body make-up (They’re bones), gambeson and robes however is plausible for use


  9. Thanian Independent Team

    Image result for Elven Court room art

    The Thanian Independent Team seeks to encourage the common folk into forwarding their political ideas for Fenn! We wish to call for court meetings where we appeal certain agreements, be it trade with nations, taxation or refurbished land!


    *** is also seeking to assist those who wish to become potential auditors, we will allow you placement within our tavern as well as helping you seat yourself within the most beautiful city of Fenn


    Below is a small form to enlist within the ***



    Are you in the Discord Y/N:

    Player Name:

    Have you been playing for more than 3 months:



    Your Name:

    Any Potential Topics:

    Are you seeking to become some form of auditor or obtain such skills Y/N:


    Vote Thaniparty today, a greener future in the white city

  10. I’ve expanded some redlines to help clarify what people can do with the AOE effects such as the draining


    Draining AoE can be lethal, however it would take a significant amount of time for it to so. They can also only be placed on areas where the creator has PRO permission or direct permission to do so (e.g. their own base or in a small area of a city they have gotten permission to do so in), these areas cannot be massive however can be of some size (e.g. around a person’s house) however cannot be something such as entire portions of a city



    Basically it can be lethal if u decide to sleep there for a day or so, but other than that it’s just a significant deterrent, I’m also going to add how they can be destroyed

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