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About Potato6996

  • Birthday 03/07/1873

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  1. “Savage Echoes of Despair” “The Battle Cry for Sight” In the dim glow of his workshop, Tao Chun meticulously worked on a pocket watch, each movement a desperate attempt to reclaim what had been stolen from him. As the intricate gears danced beneath his fingertips, frustration welled up within him. With a sudden surge of despair, he cast the unfinished pocket watch aside. The delicate creation, a symbol of his craftsmanship, now lay discarded in the shadows. Desperation clawed at his chest as he staggered toward the kitchen, his movements guided by memory and the tapping of his cane. The metallic clinks of utensils echoed his turmoil as he poured himself a drink, the liquid offering no solace to the torment of his unseeing gaze. With the weight of the glass in hand, he ventured outside, the cool mountain air embracing him. The cane tapped rhythmically against the ground, a lonely cadence echoing his heartache. The vast expanse of the mountains lay before him, a silent panorama he longed to witness. As he stood there, staring into the majestic scenery, Tao Chun's inner turmoil reached a breaking point. Falling to his knees, he clutched the sides of his head, a guttural plea escaping his lips. "Give me back my sight!" he cried out to the heavens, the desperation in his voice carried away by the mountain winds. The silence that followed seemed to mock him, and Tao Chun remained on his knees, a lone figure in the darkness, a master craftsman stripped of the ability to witness the beauty he so passionately sought to create. In that desperate moment, surrounded by the unforgiving mountains, he awaited a response, a shred of hope in a world that had plunged him into the depths of longing. With arms outstretched like a desperate supplicant, Tao Chun screamed into the echoing mountains. His voice, a raw expression of anguish, reverberated through the silent expanse, carrying with it the weight of a plea that defied his savage and stoic nature. "Pity me, unseen powers!" he bellowed, the desperation in his voice starkly contrasting the usual resonance of his imposing presence. The once-savage silverback, known for his stoicism, was now laid bare in a moment of vulnerability. His plea, a raw manifestation of his deepest desires, hung in the air like an unanswered prayer, as his eyes slowly closed.. "Fleeting Sight, Lingering Shadows” As Tao Chun's desperate plea echoed through the mountains, an unseen force responded. He slowly stood back up, a blurry haze enveloped his vision in a dreamy world, gradually coalescing into shapes and colours. The beauty of the scenery, once lost to him, emerged anew, leaving him breathless at the revelation of the world he had longed to see. Eager to revel in this newfound sight, he rushed back to his cabin, his hands reaching for the pocket watch he had cast aside. Yet, as the intricate gears and delicate craftsmanship filled his vision, a cruel twist of fate unfolded. The clarity wavered, the scenery dissolving into a blur once more. Rage consumed him. The pocket watch, a symbol of his torment, was flung aside with a primal roar that shook the very foundations of his cabin. The window shattered under the force of his fury, the shards of glass a testament to the tumult within. Staggering with unsteady steps, Tao Chun sought solace in the kitchen. His hands, guided by memory, poured a new glass, the liquid a temporary balm to his wounded soul. In a drawer, the metallic clinks echoed as he found what he needed. Supported by furniture, he navigated to his workshop chair, his skilled hands now fueled by a mix of determination and frustration. Meticulously, he began crafting a pair of goggles, a visual anchor to the world he longed to embrace. Each movement was deliberate, an act of defiance against the whims of fate. As the goggles took shape, Tao Chun's primal roar transformed into a focused intensity, the creation before him symbolising not just a tool but a declaration of his resilience in the face of fleeting sight. With the goggles in hand, he carefully placed them over his eyes, the world now a fusion of clarity and craftsmanship. Tao Chun, the savage silverback, stood amidst the wreckage of his cabin, a beacon of determination, his gaze fixed on a future where his vision, once lost and found, would not be so easily stolen again.
  2. does skype still exist lol

    1. Algoda


      Joel get on skype

  3. The Lost Children A group of children have settled down in Alderyn and are planning to expand their group and possibly get a bigger headquarters in the city of Alderyn if they gain enough group members. The children work together through whatever means to survive. Post an application following this format if you wish to join MC Name: RP Name: Character Age: Character Race: Skills: I hope you will be joining us in our future endeavours
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