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Everything posted by RavenKing

  1. Full Name: Armaedik Ceru Berr'ante Nicknames: Armae (Don't use it if you want to live) Race: Wood Elf Occupation: Virarim Age: 37 Alignment: Lawful Good Status: Alive, Virarim Seed: Berr'ante Height: 5’2" Hair Color: Light Brown Eye Color: Dark Green Siblings: Drua Berr'ante (Deceased) Parents: Merekec Berr'ante, Joaline Berr'ante (Deceased) Other Family: Brat'ek Berr'ante (First Cousin) Children: None Wife: None Demeanor: A soldier willing to fight for his kind. Although kind at heart, he may be brash, arrogant, reckless, and full of himself at times, and aspires for glory. Attire: Basically always wears the Virarim uniform. Description: A slender 'ame with slightly paler brown skin, green eyes, and light brown hair. Bears a line and semicircle tattoo on his neck, while an arrow on his left shoulder and a bow on his right. Skills: Highly skilled with the bow, as well as skilled with creating them. Is also decently agile.
  2. RavenKing


    Armaedik was born in the late 1623 to the Berr'ante's, a middle class family of Linandria. As he grew, he was taught the ways of the wood elves. Unfortunately, he was a semi-frequent victim of bullying in his childhood. In 1630, his younger brother, Drua, was born. As he aged, he discovered his prowess with a bow, a family trait, their last name literally being "Bowed". He quickly advanced his skills, become an adept warrior and hunter. However, at the age of 18, the Descendants were forced to migrate to Atlas. Terribly frightened by the mass exodus, and the loss of his home, the incident scarred him. It was the first time experiencing true danger. On the voyage to Atlas, a freak wind gust launched a dropped crate of supplies at Drua, killing him instantly. Armaedik was forever haunted. His parents, being mildly superstitious, told him that Drua's death was from "the terrible forces of darkness in our world". Armaedik, who had acted slightly spoiled before the move to Atlas, suddenly realized his goal in a life he had before thought rather drab. A fire in his eyes, he announced that he would be the light to the darkness. As chance would have it, his childhood bullies heard his declaration. Teased by them, he felt an overwhelming desire to be the best, or at least better than they were. This desire sometimes manifested itself in arrogance or brashness, a defining trait of his. Eventually, Armaedik reached Atlas. As the elvish race rebuilt itself in Caras Eldar, he felt strangely detached. As he had been taught elvish history, he knew that the journey to Atlas was not going to be the last or the first of its kind, a fact he had not truly appreciated until the journey. He moved into Irrinor district, forming a Seed with a few childhood friends. As he stood on the brink of the new elvish civilization, he swore, even if his home would inevitably change, that he would fight for the elves, the Dominion, his family, and most of all, for Drua, whose death forever tore apart his heart. Since then, he has trained, biding his time for a chance to be a hero...
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