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Status Updates posted by Laeonathan

  1. someone please re-add the downvote options on the forum, just for today.

  2. Sunday is also once more spitting in the face of Europeans and Australians.

  3. The duality of man.

  4. The wheel... three NLs on it...

  5. there's nothing better but waking up to good news

  6. There's nothing more hillarious to end a bad to day then High Elven jeopardy-riot rp.


    1. Javert


      riot moment? where?

  7. wait do we know each other? O.O

  8. Waldenians are a hate crime against Germans, change my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. argonian


      your FACE is a crime against my eyes



      (Also people who say "du" IRP need to be shot)

    3. ydegirl


      one of my friends is german and she always complains about how whenever she sees waldenians she hates them bc they rp the german accent horribly or something idk

    4. Laeonathan


      @argonianThe main issue with "Du" is that you can't use it the same way as "you". Because the german language has 'cases' and 'genders', something english doesn't have to the same extend... grrrr


  9. what am I missing lol

  10. why are there no war raids going on? War kinda boring rn :O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laeonathan


      me neither... 

    3. UnbanCharlesTheBald2022


      What kind of attitude is this ? You're in the inner staff circle and have the chance to participate in decisions already. You're in. It's time for you to start your own inner revolution and try to change the war rules through a world addition.

    4. Laeonathan


      Didn't know I'm in inner staff circle lol.

  11. why do we suddenly give me PvP a new name lol

  12. why is the server so dead in EU time on tuesdays? Like? Why is it always tuesdays? Are like all people busy on tuesdays? Not wednesdays?

    1. alexmagus


      Not Wednesdays. Never Wednesdays. But Tuesdays? Always. Aren't you?

    2. HogoBojo


      Taco Tuesdays. Enough said. 

  13. Yes bring back world team.

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