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Everything posted by MeteorDragon

  1. Yes *hug* hahahahahahah, the funny number
  2. SUP FOLKS! So, I just came to realize I’ve been on LOTC for 69 weeks. I actually missed my 1 year mark and didn’t make an AMA like a normal person, SO, without further stalling, HERE IT IS! ASK ME ANYTHING Within reason.. pls be gentle
  3. I dont see ET magic on this list fella
  4. You’re not immune to my ****ing et magic
  5. I get the whole thing, though I personally like the free range access to Seer. What I don’t like is people not rping the consequences of the magic, or minimizing them to an extent that they don’t exist. I’m a firm believer in mentally and physically ****ing up a character for development and Seer does a great job with that. Personally, I feel like there is too many people with it, but I guess it’s fine to me. The aesthetic and community around it is what I care about most since it’s not even a combat magic in either version. Though, I get where you’re coming from
  6. Sadly I cant buy, but the art is amazing
  7. I want to commission 3 things if you’re up for it, and depending on the cost. Mina is preferred for me since I dont got the money to spend, if not then that’s fine and I wish you luck. Good drawings
  8. Xavis bows his head with a sigh ”A pain in my a**, but a pain I’ll miss none the less. I’ll look forward to seeing you in the afterlife so I can say ‘I told you so’” The elf relaxes back in the chair he was sitting in, resting his hands on his chest.
  9. An Xavis Ashwood would look out his window and comment "And you are hardly a father"
  10. Xavis was seated nicely in his home, sipping out of a glass of ale to cover the taste of the tea he had gotten from the druids to make sure he doesnt die. The letter from Rhaella would make it's way to outside his front door, forcing the tired elf to stant up and get it. After taking the letter, he would make his way back in his house and flick it open. Reading it with the gaze of a seer, Xavis laughs for a solid minute and says: "No"
  11. Mcname: ThaMeteorMan Talent: Singing Might come, might not
  12. Hakorakov, Patron of Garumdir Origin/Background Hakorakov started as a mortal human in the world known as Athera. His family was one of Smith's and he had a small foundry in Salvus, which he took control of once his parents passed on due to their mortal age. Young Hakorakov was an expert at craft, forging anything that came to his mind in the moment of its creation. He was quite different from most Smith's as he required strange items from the world in order for him to make anything of value, but when it was done, the item was masterfully crafted and fit exactly what the buyer wanted. Though this forging wasn't magical in nature, Hakorakov was truly an expert. During his later days, while he was forging a magnificent blade from black ferrum, a strange man jumped into his foundry. The man's eyes had a purple glow to them and before Hakorakov could blink, a shard of arcanism had pierced his heart. Dead, Hakorakov lie on the ground. His body remained there for a month before someone found him. A funeral was soon held and Hakorakov was buried under the center of the foundry he loved so much. His soul would come to possess the foundry, but it was far too late. That was the day that everyone left the loved land of Athera for a new one. Years.. decades.. and a century passed over the lands before a group of the new world came to Salvus- a trip that started at Arcas. Hakorakov, still wanting to forge showed his ghost self to a group in the foundry and with new found powers, he forged weapon after weapon for those who came. Rhymes twisted out of his throat, bending words to make people collect a list. A Sickle-Staff that grew trees, a Drum that created a wall of air, a Scythe that glowed with electricity, a leather bound Book that created strange happenings in the world, a Bow that shot arrows of flame, a Sword that let's its owner's hand at will, an Axe that flooded creatures with water, and finally, Rendheart, a blade crafted to kill one monster. Each one was set to lose the enchantment upon leaving Athera. But it was the last creation that brought light to the eyes of Hakorakov. His final creation would be a gift for the Suticans of Salvus, a portal made from red flames that would bring them back to their home. It seemed like this ghost would never be able to forge another item again. His hands would remain empty, without meaning. He had completely lost his foundry and all of his tools in his passion for helping Sutica. Finally, he realized he’d be left in a state of never ending suffering, unable to leave and unable to help, nor create. Empty was his soul and body. One day, during his slumber, a vision filled his mind of a Daemon, the Daemon of Craftsmanship and Innovation. Upon waking from his slumber, the ghost looked at his arms. Massive cuffs of gold lie on his forearms, starting at the wrist. Each cuff was masterfully crafted and each held beautiful gems across them. This was the signs of his Patronage to his new master. Hakorakov stepped out of his old foundry and flew off into the night to test what he could create. Personality Hakorakov is a strange being, and thus holds a personality to match such. He is generally emotionless- or seemingly emotionless whenever he speaks, though when he gets angry, he's not afraid to show it. His anger leads to pushing his magic to the max and ripping things apart at the seams. Now, this doesn't happen all too much because of his emotionless state. It also helps keep him from wanting to kill people as he simply doesn't care that much about mortals. When the being finds something he enjoys, then he may also go all out and abuse his magical powers to fit whatever it was he enjoyed. Hakorakov holds a strong enjoyment for both creating and destroying, though it isn't above his growing ate of the void, which is a product of a mage leading to his death as a mortal. He will refuse to light up his foundry or even consider helping a voidal mage- in most cases. This also means that he refuses to help put a voidal mage when he tries to reach his goal as he considers them unfit for his arts. If he does choose to help someone of non-void, then, he will appear to them inside of a forgotten forge and speak through twisted rhymes. They aren't really riddles as much as just rhymes that he speaks for fun. Along with this love for rhyming, he refuses to speak in any other way but rhyming. Goals Hakorakov has one major goal as a Patron. All he wants to do is forge. When it comes down to it, he will forge almost anything and he can forge almost anything. His neverending want to forge translates into how he interacts with mortals. The way he goes about this is by traveling into a forgotten forge and sitting there in wait for someone to stumble into it. As long as they aren't a voidal mage, Hakorakov will explode out of the rocks when they start to look around the forge. Next, he will order a random assortment of items from the person of people walking around and the first to gather them and toss them into his fires will gain an item. Hakorakov will look into their mind and the item that was first on their mind and turn it into reality. The created item's strength will be directly related to how difficult it was to gather the materials. After the creation of 5 items happens in his possessed forge, Hakorakov will take his leave and repeat the process over again. Abilities Hakorakov's Patronage gifted him much more magical power than when he was a simple ghost roaming the world. He holds complete control over his abilities, though in fits of rage of joy, he will let them explode outwards and almost reach the barrier of his abilities. First, Hakorakov kept his magical form of fire and that is what brings him most of his strength. He is unable to interact with the physical world as a normal person could, so he opts to use telekinetic forces to control what he wants- also making him a powerful enemy should one make him willing to kill. This is also useful when he gets to forging as he can lift the tools and materials to make them move on their own. To go with his flames, Hakorakov will sometimes turn from a bright red fire to a darker one. These flames burn black in color and bring a feeling of calm to its victims as it burns them away. Most of Hakorakov's terrifying abilities deal with these jet black flames. With them, he can create barriers or even warp people by making them sink into his fire and then having them unburn in another location. Hakorakov's magical powers don't stop there as he also has some abilities that let him reach his magical goal. Upon possessing a forge, he gains complete control of it and is able to smith a maximum of 5 magical items from it before having to leave the forge behind. He does this through getting a list of 4 or 5 items brought to him and tossed into his blaze. A magical item will last for an elven week in most cases and will never be available for a voidal mage's use, because he hates them so much. Depending on the enchantment, the item could last years but only have one or two uses until the blessing disappears. Making magic items is his creative side, though he is also known to create complexes, both massive and small, to fit what exactly he needs. Mostly he does this in his free time and destroys it soon after. That brings forth his other ability, destruction. As a being who loves to create, there is always a price to what he makes. That price is shown in him breaking apart the world around him to fit the size of his creations. This is why he requires a list of items be brought in order for him to make a magical item. His power is limited, but not all that much. This is partly why Hakorakov doesn't decide to fight unless he is angered to the extreme. All of his abilities were gifted to him so he can complete his goal. Current Location Hakorakov's current location is unknown. He travels so much that it makes it almost impossible to track him. All that is known is that he has left the world of Athera. Purpose Hakorakov is a creature that I made during the Athera event and it seemed a lot of people had fun dealing with him as well as fighting him in the end of Athera. He is a being willing to make magical items for mortals to use, though they are event only items. For this reason, it helps ET come up with better and more powerful creatures for players to fight since they will have things to actually deal with them. This also helps make it so non-mages can get a spotlight during events instead of magical people taking it all up. You wanna spread the love. Citation I personally wrote all the lore in here, but I'd also like to thank the people who participated in Hakorakov's events as well as the lore team members who give me criticism on the first lore post I made about him. For kicks, I'll throw in screenshots of the event items handed out by Hakorakov Hakorakov 2: Electric Boogaloo
  13. Hakorakov, Daemon of Creation and Destruction Origin/Background Unlike most Daemons, Hakorakov was not created during the creation. He started as a mortal human in the world known as Athera. His family was one of Smith's and he had a small foundry in Salvus, which he took control of once his parents passed on due to their mortal age. Young Hakorakov was an expert at craft, forging anything that came to his mind in the moment of its creation. He was quite different from most Smith's as he required strange items from the world in order for him to make anything of value, but when it was done, the item was masterfully crafted and fit exactly what the buyer wanted. Though this forging wasn't magical in nature, Hakorakov was truly an expert. During his later days, while he was forging a magnificent blade from black ferrum, a strange man jumped into his foundry. The man's eyes had a purple glow to them and before Hakorakov could blink, a shard of arcanism had pierced his heart. Dead, Hakorakov lie on the ground. His body remained there for a month before someone found him. A funeral was soon held and Hakorakov was buried under the center of the foundry he loved so much. His soul would come to possess the foundry, but it was far too late. That was the day that everyone left the loved land of Athera for a new one. Years.. decades.. and a century passed over the lands before a group of the new world came to Salvus- a trip that started at Arcas. Hakorakov, still wanting to forge showed his ghost self to a group in the foundry and with new found powers, he forged weapon after weapon for those who came. Rhymes twisted out of his throat, bending words to make people collect a list. A Sickle-Staff that grew trees, a Drum that created a wall of air, a Scythe that glowed with electricity, a leather bound Book that created strange happenings in the world, a Bow that shot arrows of flame, a Sword that let's its owner's hand at will, an Axe that flooded creatures with water, and finally, Rendheart, a blade crafted to kill one monster. Each one was set to lose the enchantment upon leaving Athera. But it was the last creation that brought light to the eyes of Hakorakov. His final creation would be a gift for the Suticans of Salvus, a portal made from red flames that would bring them back to their home. A hum of words left his emotionless mouth: "Destruction Breeds Creation." It was this moment that the Creator finally took notice of this being, who, even after death, was dedicated to his art. Though never again would he forge a weapon if nothing was done. He'd be a ghost bound to the walls of a broken foundry. Upon the Suticans taking their leave, so would Hakorakov, taking the hand of the Creator and ascending to become an Daemon. The Destruction of his life and foundry, lead to the Creation of his Daemonic form. The Destruction of the materials people brought to him, lead to the Creation of powerful weapons. The Destruction of some Sutican and other lives, lead to the Creation of his portal. Realm Hakorakov's want for creation is what gave way to a new realm when he became an Daemon. This magnificent world, known only by the name "The Foundry," is never ending and very dangerous. At the center of the infinite world, Hakorakov sits with his forge and tools. When a Creation of his is finished, it gets sent to a random location in The Foundry. Though he is unable to create something out of nothing, so he looks around his world and breaks things down to just their materials to remake something new. This single fact makes the realm a dangerous one. At any point in time, the ground below could simply give way, crumbling into dust so a new mountain could be crafted. Other strange phenomena also happen in this world because of his never ending urges. Entrance into this realm can be quite simple, yet difficult at the same time. When a smith dies and is buried under their forge, it is said that a portal will open during that night to let the smith escape into The Foundry. Only during this time may others enter the Foundry, but to escape, one must either wait for a new portal to open, or for Hakorakov to let them through to the mortal realm. Following Hakorakov's followers usually don't know that they are followers of him. Those who he considers followers are all who create or destroy. As long as something is created or destroyed by someone, then Hakorakov will gaze down upon them. Only his most devout followers, those who perform major creation, artisans, those who perform major destruction, murders, or those who actually know and praise Hakorakov. Only his greatest followers will ever receive gifts from Hakorakov, though they usually come with a cost. It is quite rare to even receive one of Hakorakov's gifts. His voice, emotionless, will speak in the mind of whoever is to receive one of his gifts and give them a list of no less than 4 items. The difficulty of the items he asks for directly related to how powerful the item will be once created. The way he speaks his list is through rhyming his words and twisting their meaning. Present Day In the present day, Hakorakov remains up in his realm. He sees through a mirror he magically created in his realm and views those who destroy and create and when they do so. From time to time, he will show himself in random forges, appearing as a figure made from flames, standing within a blaze. Generally, he shows up as red flames, but on occasion he will burn a midnight colored fire and his eyes will be bright red. Silently, he judges who to give his gifts to. When he is not watching, his hands are busy creating and destroying his realm. OOC Purpose The main purpose of this was to give LOTC something from one of my events, and to show off a new Faemon that can possibly be used in different events. It would be nice to see a truly "neutral" kind of Daemon in the realm that will make beautiful creations and destroy once beautiful things. This being can give way to amazing ideas, and interesting rp with people because of his two big wants. I had played this character in an event and people seemed to have good fun talking with him and interacting with his brilliant foundry, so something more from him could come from this. Citations The Lore was made completely by Meteor Dragon, aka me, but I’d also like to thank everyone who participated in the events with Hakorakov. Just for the kicks, I’ll throw in some items that the being made, in a spoiler:
  14. Guidance is more than just bringing new players around. Most of mine comes from taking people's tickets. I am by far not the one who does the most player guidance- which is sad. Though when I guide people, I go to the racial nations first(unless they name something in their bio), then of no one is there I try to take them to a place that I know a lot of their race hangs around. Also, some of the actual guidance logs are shown twice on the data for nations because we may take someone to more than one place. Thank you for coming to my TED talk Edit: I checked the data and there are 109 Guidance Logs and 19 Settlement Visits. Also, not every new player gets guidance because they don't make a ticket, or we miss when they log on ❤️
  15. Hello folks! It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! No, not Christmas. It’s actually time for a Creative Cafe, the event of talent showing. These talents differ from person to person, be it singing, art, skinning, building, and so on and so forth. Now, you may be asking yourself why you’d want to join us in this amazing event, and it’s quite simple! There will be prizes at the end of the event, even if you’re just there you could get one. For those with questions, they can be asked to the amazing members of the team who’ve worked on this event: LotsOfMuffins, Armajesty, puffables, LotsOfFie, LotsOfWonks, and LotsOfMeteor! To participate, please leave a comment with the following sign-up format! Sign-Up Format Mcname: Talent: Information Date: Sunday, March 22st Time: 2 PM EST / 7 PM GMT Location: Creative Cafe Channel Discord: https://discord.gg/RquQCed Special thanks to @LotsOfMuffins, @LotsOfFie, @LotsOfWonks, and @LotsOfMeteor for working on this project! Thanks to @Defy and @reko for the featured graphics!
  16. Changed Status to Accepted
  17. Your application has been: Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul! When you get online, perform the following command: /creq Hey, I just joined, could I get a Monk to help me out? You may also use the /creq command for other things that you may need help with! For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, it's a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities! You can also find information about the Nations of LOTC on the Major Nations and Charters page! The major Human/ settlements are Oren/Curon/Haense/Kaedrin/Suffonia, though you can also check out the other Settlement Guides! Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)! Have fun out there!
  18. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Denied
  19. MeteorDragon


    Your application has been The 24 hours is up, however you may reapply immediately. You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Meteor Dragon#8579), my forum account, or on the server (MeteorDragon9000). General Lore that you may need can be found on the Wiki. You are also encouraged to join our New Player discord, a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community.
  20. Changed Status to Accepted
  21. Your application has been: Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul! When you get online, perform the following command: /creq Hey, I just joined, could I get a Monk to help me out? You may also use the /creq command for other things that you may need help with! For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, it's a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities! You can also find information about the Nations of LOTC on the Major Nations and Charters page! The major Dwarven settlement is Urguan, though you can also check out the other Settlement Guides! Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)! Have fun out there!
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