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Posts posted by Kholibrii

  1. “A complete idiot.” Naeri Vuln’miruel grumbled to herself as she read over the missive which was posted on the Bulletin Board within Elvenesse. As the ‘ame shook her head she’d reach up to quickly tear the missive from the board and shove it in her pocket. “Anyone who calls themselves a follower of The Wild Faith or a Druii should NEVER join a Military that's main focus is the protection of a nation and not the Balance. The protection of the Balance should come before all else. When YOU must make the decision between the protection of a nation and the protection of the Balance I hope you make the right choice.” She commented in utter disappointment, almost embarrassed by the idiocy of a fellow ‘ame. 

  2. Somewhere deep in the woods of Almaris Karnath would be on the hunt for inspiration for his Grand Task, attempting to be at one with nature and find what he can do to best protect the balance. As he wandered through the lush forest he’d whistle along to the beautiful melody produced by the singing birds that filled the canopy. After wandering for hours on end the ‘ame would reach a large lake, taking in a deep breath as he looked out upon the untouched beauty before him. After finding a comfortable boulder to sit on, Karnath would remove a small notebook from his satchel, beginning to write down possible ideas for his Grand Task. “I hope I am able to impress her.” He’d whisper to himself, completely oblivious to the passing of his Guide.

  3. Just now, NotEvilAtAll said:

    when r we gonna decide LOTC warclaims with card games? this is the way of the future

    The way of the future is deciding warclaims with chess



    Karnath let out a loud sigh as he ripped one of the notices off a board in Elvenesse, reading it as he walked. "It is truly a shame that a man like this is leading a group of Druii, he isn't even fit to teach a fish how to swim!" The 'ame jested to himself as he continued his stroll, reading along through the rest of the notice. "The young Mali who seek to learn of Druidism and the Aspects come to this man, That’s the source of the problem, not these so called weak-minded Mali! Your wretched ideas spread across the nation like an infection! If we were to follow you we’d end up no better than the descendants you hate.” 


    As the ‘ame finished his walk and began to ascend the flight of stairs to his house he shook his head, the contents of the notice still frustrating him. “Your fellow Raithean show that they have the wisdom to lead their fellow Druii and Mali, it’s a shame that it hasn’t rubbed off on you.” The ‘ame entered his house, making his way to a shelf covered with instruments, plucking a flute from a shelf and stepping out onto the balcony.


    “Perhaps once the source of our infection has been removed we will have peace again.” He’d say as he lifted the flute to his lip, the surrounding area becoming flooded by a beautiful melody.






  5. 8 hours ago, Llir said:

    It's really only one way or another so that they can be reenabled properly when a fix is ready. Also I know in the post I mentioned its due to large number of NPCs, but this problem has been building since map launch, with even 30 NPCs there were still issues... just not as bad.

    If there isn’t a middle option just get rid of them, it’ll hurt new player retention if they are playing on a laggy server just as much as the lack of NPCs would. 

    There isn’t anything that will be effected too badly by the lack of NPCs, just might put a little bit of extra work on people.

  6. @Treshureis there any possibility of being able to get the race that the player applied as added to the Spreadsheet? 

    As a steward I think it’d be very beneficial to be able to know how your nation’s main race did with player retention so we can analyze our own personal results and see how we did. The statistics alone work great for looking at it in relation to the Staff Teams, but It’s not overly useful for each nation or group. It could be possible that a certain race has higher retention rates than others, if that’s the case that race might not need to change how they work with new players because it’s already working.

    I apologize if this has already been asked, I haven’t read over all the responses to the post!

  7. 6 hours ago, Toxcat said:

    f2u_purple_star_bullet_by_spiritseekerda_dboqob0.pngSince there is no actual rule on speed be reasonable on how slow you will be moving in this field. 


    Within the Current Combat rules that can be found here it states that while in CRP or Roll Combat "You may only move four blocks per emote". With this rule set in place wouldn't it make more sense to limit someone's movement speed when inside the constellation field to 2 blocks/meters per emote?

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